IHTC-15 will be held from August 10th to 15th.
All contributed papers are to be presented in parallel oral sessions. There will be no poster sessions in IHTC-15. (See Paper Submission > Presentation)
Reception | August 10 (Sun.) 18:30–20:00 Swan Hall and the Garden (conference venue). |
| Please enjoy the meal and drinks and the beautiful garden under the full moon. |
Conference banquet | August 14 (Thu.) 19:00–21:00 Event Hall (conference venue). |
Lunches | August 11, 12, 14 and 15. (Fee is included in the Regular and Student registrations.) |
Snacks & Refreshments | |
Monday | August 11 | 15:30–16:00 |
Tuesday | August 12 | 08:00–08:35 |
| | 16:00–16:30 |
Wednesday | August 13 | 07:45–08:15 |
Thursday | August 14 | 07:45–08:15 |
Friday | August 15 | 08:00–08:35 |
| | 14:50–15:10 |
Registration desk | |
Sunday | August 10 | 15:00–19:00 |
Monday | August 11 | 07:30–17:00 |
Tuesday | August 12 | 07:45–17:00 |
Wednesday | August 13 | 07:45–12:00 |
Thursday | August 14 | 07:45–19:00 |
Friday | August 15 | 08:00–16:00 |
Program at a Glance
Session Program with paper numbers
Full Program
Program at a Glance
SUNDAY Aug. 10th | | |
15:00–19:00 | Registration |
18:30–20:00 | Welcome Reception |
MONDAY Aug. 11th |
07:30–17:00 |
Registration |
08:40–9:10 |
Opening Remarks |
9:10-10:10 |
Invited Plenary Lecture "Science of Scientific Advice" Hiroyuki Yoshikawa |
10:10-10:55 |
Fourier Lecture "Thermal Science and Engineering - From Macro to Nano in 200 Years" Avram Bar-Cohen |
11:25-12:10 |
Keynote Lectures KN01-KN05 |
Lunch |
13:30-15:30 | Oral Sessions 11 (EVP1, TPA, FCV1, TTR1, BMA1, MTR1, PPE, MLT, TPP1, CDS1, EES1) |
16:00-18:00 | Oral Sessions 12 (EVP2, TPB, FCV2, TTR2, MNF, MTR2, HEX1, FCL, TPP2, CDS2, EES2) |
TUESDAY Aug. 12th |
07:45–17:00 |
Registration |
08:40–9:25 |
Keynote Lectures KN06-KN10 & The Nukiyama Memorial Award |
9:40-11:40 |
Oral Sessions 21 (EVP3, SOL1, MIN1, NMS, ADS, INV, FCV3, HEX2, EEC1, TPP3, CDS3, ECS) |
Lunch |
13:00–13:45 |
Keynote Lectures KN11-KN16 |
14:00-16:00 |
Oral Sessions 22 (FBL1, SOL2, MIN2, HTE1, TBF, BMA2, FCV4, HEX3, EEC2, TPP4, CDS4, EEF1) |
16:30-18:30 |
Oral Sessions 23 (FBL2, SOL3, MIN3, HTE2, FCV5, HEX4, EEC3, TST, CDS5, EEF2) |
WEDNESDAY Aug. 13th | 07:45–17:00 |
Registration |
8:20-10:20 | Oral Sessions 31 (FBL3, TPF1, IPJ, HTE3, FCV6, MFP, NSM1, PMD1, RAD1, PLS) |
10:30-12:30 |
Oral Sessions 32 (PBL1, TPF2, RNE, HTE4, FCV7, ACR, NSM2, PMD2, RAD2, TEL) |
Afternoon | Free Time (Special Tour & Young Researchers Meeting) |
THURSDAY Aug. 14th |
07:45–19:00 |
Registration |
8:20-10:20 |
Oral Sessions 41 (PBL2, TPN1, TDY1, HTE5, CPM1, NCV1, GTB, CND1, PMD3, RAD3, HPP1) |
10:30-12:30 |
Panel session "The Role of Thermal Science for Nuclear Disaster Resilience" &
Oral sessions 42 (PBL3, TPN2, TDY2, HTE6, CPM2, NCV2, NMM, CND2, PMD4, RAD4, HPP2)
Lunch |
13:50-14:35 |
Keynote Lectures KN17-KN21 |
14:45–15:35 |
Keynote Lectures KN22-KN26 |
15:50–18:10 |
Plenary Panel Session "The Role of Thermal Science in Meeting Societal Challenges" | 19:00-21:00 | Conference Banquet |
FRIDAY Aug. 15th |
08:00–16:00 |
Registration |
8:40-10:40 |
Oral Sessions 51 (PBL4, TPS, TDY3, HTE7, MCV, NCV3, NMM2, CND3, PMD5, SAT, TMG1) |
10:55–11:40 |
Keynote Lectures KN27-KN30 & The Donald Q. Kern Award |
Lunch |
12:50-14:50 |
Oral sessions 52 (PBL5, TPM1, CNV1, HTE8, OPT, NMM3, CND4, PMD6, CMB1, TMG2)
15:10-17:10 |
Oral sessions 53 (PBL6, TPM2, CNV2, HTE9, NMT, NMM4, FLM, PMD7, CMB2, TMG3)
17:20- | Closing Remarks with special refreshments |
Session Program (with paper numbers)
Please click the following buttons to view the session programs.
The paper numbers only are shown in the table.
This is the final program and will not be changed.

Full Program
The header number of each paper shows the IHTC-paper number / paper session number (session title-room number-3 numbers)
3 numbers: number for day, number for session order of the day, number for paper order in each session
Example: EVP-B1-123 is for,
EVP | - | B1 | - | 1 | 2 | 3 |
session code
room number
day 1
2nd session of the day
3rd presentation of the session
This is the final program and will not be changed.
Monday, August 11 (Day 1)
Room A1
Plenary Lectures
- time
- 9:10 〜 10:55
- Invited Plenary Lecture
Science of Scientific Advice
Hiroyuki Yoshikawa
(Director, Center for Research and Development Strategy,
Japan Science and Technology Agency)
- Fourier Lecture
Thermal Science and Engineering
- From Macro to Nano in 200 Years
Avram Bar-Cohen
(University of Maryland, USA)
Room B1
Keynote (Keynote01)
- time
- 11:25 〜 12:10
Evaporation, Droplet/Spray/Liquid Film (EVP1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-8581/EVP-B1-111
- Vapor Flow Effect on Falling Film Evaporation of R134a Outside Horizontal Tube Bundle
Wen-Tao Ji, Chuang-Yao Zhao, Ya-Ling He (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Guan-Nan Xi (Daikin Industries, Ltd.), Wen-Quan Tao (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9374/EVP-B1-112
- Effect of Intial Temperature of a Hot Steel Plate on Thermal Performance of Impinging Jets During Quenching Processes
Taehoon Kim, Kyu Hyung Do (Institute of Machinery and Materials, Korea), Dong-Wook Oh (Chosun University, Korea), Jungho Lee (Institute of Machinery and Materials, Korea), Jang-Min Park (Yeungnam University, Korea)
- IHTC15-9732/EVP-B1-113
- Influence of Dynamic Wettability on Evaporation Kinetics of Microscopic Sessile Droplets
Rishi Raj (Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India), Evelyn N. Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-9961/EVP-B1-114
- The Effect of Humidity in Ambient Gas on HTWs in Volatile Drops
Yuki Fukatani, Masamichi Kohno, Yasuyuki Takata (Kyushu University, Japan), Khellil Sefiane (University of Edinburgh, UK), Jungho Kim (University of Maryland, USA)
- IHTC15-9504/EVP-B1-115
- Drop Spreading and Evaporation on a Heated Substrate Under Variable Gravity Conditions
Oleg Kabov (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia), Dmitry Zaitsev (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Russia), Elizaveta Gatapova (Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Russia), Andrey Semenov, Elena Bykovskaya, Ekaterina Karnauhova (Institute of Thermophysics, Russia), Vladimir Ajaev (Southern Methodist University, USA), Dmitry Feoktistov, Geniy Kuznetsov (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia)
- IHTC15-9523/EVP-B1-116
- Heat Transfer and Interaction of Suspended Droplets and Locally Heated Liquid Layer
Oleg Kabov (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Russia), Alexander Fedorets (Tyumen State University, Russia), Igor Marchuk (Institute of Thermophysics Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Evaporation, Droplet/Spray/Liquid Film (EVP2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-8367/EVP-B1-121
- Spray Cooling by Gently-Deposited Droplets: Experiments and Modeling of Heat-Transfer Mechanisms
Paolo E. Santangelo (University of Maryland, USA), Mauro A. Corticelli, Paolo Tartarini (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy)
- IHTC15-8936/EVP-B1-122
- Modelling of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel Droplet Heating and Evaporation
Sergei S. Sazhin, Mansour Al Qubeissi, Morgan Heikal (University of Brighton, UK)
- IHTC15-9287/EVP-B1-123
- Comparative Study of the Cooling of a Hot Temperature Surface Using Sprays and Liquid Jet
A. Labergue, T. Aiguier, M. Gradeck, F. Lemoine (University of Lorraine, France)
- IHTC15-9581/EVP-B1-124
- An Experimental Study of the Leidenfrost Transition for Water on Nanostructured Superhydrophilic Surfaces
Jorge Padilla, Van Carey (University of California, USA)
- IHTC15-9140/EVP-B1-125
- Visual Observation of Liquid-Solid Contact Situations on Superheated Surface cooled by Liquid Jet or Spraying
Niro Nagai (University of Fukui, Fapan), Hiroki Onishi (University of Fukui, Japan (now, Brother Industries,LTD.)), Hitoshi Nikaido, Yoshihiro Serizawa (Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Japan)
- IHTC15-9419/EVP-B1-126
- Effect of Marangoni Flow on the Evaporation Rate of Sessile Droplets
Dinghua Hu, Huiying Wu, Zhenyu Liu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Room B2
Keynote (Keynote02)
- time
- 11:25 〜 12:10
Two-phase, Application (TPA)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:10
- IHTC15-9100/TPA-B2-111
- Experimental Investigation on a Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe in Hyper-Gravity Conditions
Mauro Mameli, Miriam Manzoni (University of Bergamo, Italy), Lucio Araneo (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Sauro Filippeschi (Università di Pisa, Italy), Marco Marengo (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- IHTC15-9899/TPA-B2-112
- Effects of Filling Ratio and Input Heat Flux on the Thermal Performance and Flow Pattern of a Pulsating Heat Pipe
Jungseok Lee, Sung Jin Kim (KAIST, Korea)
- IHTC15-9281/TPA-B2-113
- Measurement of Kinetic and Enthalpy of Chemical Reaction in Biphasic Millifluidic Droplet Flow by InfraRed Thermography
Romano Marta (LoF Solvay, France), Pradere Christophe, Toutain Jean (CNRS, France), Hany Cindy (LoF Solvay, France), Batsale Christophe (CNRS, France)
- IHTC15-9228/TPA-B2-114
- Geometric Structure of Segmented Flow Networks
Jason Stafford, Nickolas Jeffers (Bell Labs, USA)
- IHTC15-9893/TPA-B2-115
- Analytical Investigation of Oblique Shock Waves in Two-Phase Flow with Different Sound Speeds
Yosuke Kawamura, Masafumi Nakagawa (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)
Two-phase, Boiling / Condensation (TPB)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-8958/TPB-B2-121
- Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Small Cross Section Area Tubes with R134a and R32
Francisco Ramirez-Rivera, Francisco Vera-García, José Ramón García-Cascales, Fernando Illán-Gómez (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)
- IHTC15-8598/TPB-B2-122
- Nucleation Site Interactions in Upward Flow Boiling Experiments
Coen Baltis, Cees van der Geld (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- IHTC15-8790/TPB-B2-123
- Numerical Investigation of Taylor-Bubble Characteristics During Flow Boiling in a Square Minichannel
Arvind Pattamatta (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India), Martin Freystein, Jochen Dietl, Peter Stephan (Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany)
- IHTC15-8999/TPB-B2-124
- Experimental Investigation of Hydrodynamics and Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Minichannels at High Reduced Pressure
Alexander Belyaev, A.V. Dedov, A.N. Varava, A.T. Komov (Moscow Power Engineering Institute Technical University, Russia)
- IHTC15-8956/TPB-B2-125
- Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop of R1234YF and R134A in a Mini-Channel Multiport Tube
Francisco Vera-García, Alejandro Lopez-Belchí, Francisco Ramírez-Rivera, José Ramón García-Cascales, Fernando Illán-Gómez (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)
Room C1
Keynote (Keynote03)
- time
- 11:25 〜 12:10
Forced Convection (FCV1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-9221/FCV-C1-111
- Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics for Different Solar Flux Distributions on Linear Fresnel Collector Absorber Tubes in Laminar Flow
Izuchukwu Francis Okafor, Jaco Dirker, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-8781/FCV-C1-112
- Nonlinear Characteristics of Periodically Fully Developed Flow in Cross-Flow Tube Bundle
Qingqing Yong, Mo Yang, Zhiyun Wang, Jian Chen (University of shanghai for science and technology, China), Dan Su (Modern urban architectural design institute of Shanghai, China), Yuwen Zhang (University of Missouri, USA)
- IHTC15-9307/FCV-C1-113
- Hybrid Solution for Convection Heat Transfer of Swirling Flows in Cylindrical Cavity with Rotating Top
Carlos C. S. Cruz (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil), Luiz M. Pereira (Fundação Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, Brazil), Emanuel Macêdo, João N. N. Quaresma (Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9702/FCV-C1-114
- Heat Transfer on Sharp and Blunted Flat Plate at Three-Dimensional Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction
Volf Borovoy, Ivan Egorov, Natalia Palchekovskaya (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-9252/FCV-C1-115
- Numerical Study of Critical Fire Merging Distances in Square Arrayed Multiple Fires
Koyu Satoh (USTC, China), Naian Liu, Xiaodong Xie, Wei Gao (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Forced Convection (FCV2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 17:40
- IHTC15-9135/FCV-C1-121
- Simultaneous Thermal and Flow Measurements in a Boundary Layer by Using High-speed Infrared Thermograph and PIV Combined System
Shunsuke Yamada, Hajime Nakamura (National Defense Academy, Japan)
- IHTC15-8497/FCV-C1-122
- Laminar, Transitional, and Turbulent Mixed Convective Heat Transfer from a Thin Inclined Plate Having a Uniform Surface Heat Flux
Patrick H. Oosthuizen (Queens University, Canada)
- IHTC15-8755/FCV-C1-123
- Three-Dimensional Turbulent Convection inside a Parallelepiped with Two Heated Vertical Walls
Victor I. Terekhov (Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Russia), Ali L. Ekaid (Technology University of Baghdad, Iraq)
- IHTC15-9377/FCV-C1-124
- Entrainment Process in the Vicinity of Pool Fire under Ventilation Condition
Yasuo Hattori (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Ken Matsuyama (Tokyo University of Science, Japan), Hitoshi Suto (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Eiji Onuma, Seiji Okinaga (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
- IHTC15-8962/FCV-C1-125
- Experimental Research of Adiabatic Wall Temperature Influenced by Separated Supersonic Flow
Sergey Popovich (Moscow State University, Russia), Kirill Egorov (BMSTU, Russia), Urii Vinogradov (Moscow State University, Russia)
Room C2
Keynote (Keynote04)
- time
- 11:25 〜 12:10
Turbulent transport (TTR1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-8762/TTR-C2-111
- Dynamic and Thermal Characteristics of the Mixing of Two Separated Flows with Different Scales
Alex D `yachenko, Victor Terekhov, Yaroslav Smulsky, Nadezhda Yarygina (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
- IHTC15-9325/TTR-C2-112
- Effects of a Stepwise Change in Thermal Boundary Conditions on Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Developing on a Flat Plate
Tomoya Houra (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan), Yasutaka Nagano (Nagoya Industrial Science Research Institute, Japan), Masato Tagawa (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9647/TTR-C2-113
- Control of Momentum and Heat Transport in a Heated Axisymmetric Jet by Means of Vortex Generators
Kensuke Miura, Kouji Nagata, Yasuhiko Sakai, Osamu Terashima, Yasumasa Ito (Nagoya University, Japan)
- IHTC15-10000/TTR-C2-114
- Verification and Validation of Three Different CFD Codes in Simulating Mixed Convection Flows Using Two Advanced Eddy-Viscosity Models
Amir Keshmiri (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
- IHTC15-8699/TTR-C2-115
- Effect of Shark Skin Textures on Entropy Generation for Turbulent Channel Flow and Heat Transfer Problems
Yan Jin, Heinz Herwig (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
- IHTC15-9892/TTR-C2-116
- Drag Reduction of Thermally Stratified Flow in a Horizontal Pipe
Kenichi Kobayashi, Shota Nakajima, Yu Kimura (Meiji University, Japan)
Turbulent transport (TTR2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-8909/TTR-C2-121
- Effects of System Rotation on Transitional Boundary Layer
Oaki Iida, Kensuke Noto (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9516/TTR-C2-122
- Concurrent Large-Eddy Simulation of Wall-Jet Heat Transfer Enhanced by Systematically-Deformed Turbulence Promoter
Yutaka Oda (Kansai University, Japan), Kenichiro Takeishi (Tokushima Bunri University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9676/TTR-C2-123
- Operation of Functional Fluid by Local Wall Heating in a Drag-Reducing Surfactant Solution Flow
Shumpei Hara, Shoko Kawada, Takahiro Tsukahara, Yasuo Kawaguchi (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
- IHTC15-9788/TTR-C2-124
- Direct Numerical Simulation on the Effects of Amplitude and Hydrophilicity of Wavy Wall on Turbulent Heat Transfer and Drag
Ryota Akaiwa, Atsushi Nishida, Yoshimichi Hagiwara (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9552/TTR-C2-125
- Impinging Jet Passive Control for Wall Shear Stress Enhancement
Kodjovi Sodjavi, Brice Montagné (University of La Rochelle, France), Florin Bode (Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest, Romania), Magdalena Kristiawan (Institut National de Recherche en agronomie, France), Ilinca Nastase (Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest, Romania), Amina Meslem (University of La Rochelle, France)
- IHTC15-8416/TTR-C2-126
- Multi-scale Second Moment Modelling of Turbulence and Heat Transfer in Porous Media
Yusuke Kuwata, Yota Sakurai, Kazuhiko Suga (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
Room E
Keynote (Keynote05)
- time
- 11:25 〜 12:10
Bio and medical applications (BMA1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-8489/BMA-E-111
- A Study on the Temperature Profile and Thermal Damage in Human Skin Tissue
Ik-Tae Im, Suk Bum Youn, Dong Guk Ko (Chonbuk National University, Korea)
- IHTC15-9884/BMA-E-112
- Estimation of Blood Perfusion Rate and Its Temperature Dependency in Human Abdominal Area under Heating Condition
Junnosuke Okajima, Takahiro Okabe, Tessai Sugiura, Takashi Seki, Atsuki Komiya, Shigenao Maruyama (Tohoku University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9715/BMA-E-113
- Tumor Ablation with Near-Infrared Radiation Using Localized Injection of Nanoparticles
Anup Paul, Nanda Kishor Bandaru, Arunn Narasimhan, Sarit Kumar Das (IIT Madras, India)
- IHTC15-8772/BMA-E-114
- State Estimation Problem in Hyperthermia Treatment of Tumors Loaded with Nanoparticles
Bernard Lamien, Helcio R. B. Orlande (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Guillermo E. Elicabe (University of Mar del Plata and National Research Council (CONICET), Argentina), André J. Maurente (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9350/BMA-E-115
- 3-D Investigation of Thermal-structure Analysis in a Kidney during Cold Perfusion
Kai Zhu, Yabo Wang, Fei Liang (Tianjin University of Commerce, China), Yamin Zhang (Tianjin First Center Hospital, China)
- IHTC15-9624/BMA-E-116
- Colloidal Magnetic Clusters for Hyperthermia Heating
Rong Fu, Yuying Yan (University of Nottingham, UK)
Manufacturing (MNF)
- time
- 16:00 〜 17:40
- IHTC15-8586/MNF-E-121
- Mass Spectroscopy of Intermediate Products Involved in Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube
Shuhei Inoue, Daisuke Nakahara, Yosuke Oga, Yukihiko Matsumura (Hiroshima University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9843/MNF-E-122
- Development of an in-Plane Thermal Diffusivity Measurement Method with a Lock-in Thermography and Application to High Thermal Conductive CFRPs
Takuya Ishizaki, Hosei Nagano (Nagoya University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8623/MNF-E-123
- High Thermal Conductive Graphite Films from Thin Polymer Films
Atsushi Tatami, Masamitsu Tachibana (Kaneka Corporation, Japan), Takashi Yagi, Megumi Akoshima (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Mutsuaki Murakami (Kaneka Corporation, Japan)
- IHTC15-9223/MNF-E-124
- Experimental Investigation of the Work Piece Temperatures in Dry Orthogonal Metal Turning
Marc Deppermann, Hendrik Puls, Michael Burghold, Reinhold Kneer, Fritz Klocke (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- IHTC15-9077/MNF-E-125
- Four-Dimensional Flow Measurements of UV Curable Resin at a Thermally-Assisted Nanoimprint Process
Motoharu Asano, Noriyuki Unno, Shin-ichi Satake, Jun Taniguchi (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Room F
Mass transfer and drying (MTR1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-8582/MTR-F-111
- Surface Tension-Driven Flows within Drying Paint Films
Nazli Saranjam, Sanjeev Chandra, Javad Mostaghimi (University of Toronto, Canada), H. Fan, J. Simmer (General Motors R&D, USA)
- IHTC15-9024/MTR-F-112
- Application of Entransy in Match Property of Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification
Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, Yi Jiang (Tsinghua University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-8746/MTR-F-113
- MRI Measurement and Numerical Modeling of Moisture Transport in Microwave Vacuum Drying of Porous Media
Takaharu Tsuruta, Hirofumi Tanigawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8875/MTR-F-114
- Investigation of Heat Transfer within an Array of Impinging Jets with Local Extraction of Spent Fluid
Philipp Cavadini, Philip Scharfer, Wilhelm Schabel (Karlsruher Institute of Technology, Germany)
Mass transfer and drying (MTR2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 17:20
- IHTC15-9089/MTR-F-121
- Direct Numerical Simulation Modeling of Multidisciplinary Transport During Li-Ion Battery Charge/Discharge Processes
Fangming Jiang, Jianbang Zeng, Wei Wu, Peng Peng (Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9185/MTR-F-122
- Effect of Velocity and Evaporation on Non-IsoThermal Meniscus in a Capillary
Antoine Voirand, Adel Benselama, Yves Bertin (Institut P’, Poitiers, France)
- IHTC15-9351/MTR-F-123
- Effect of Module Inclination Angle on Air Gap Membrane Distillation
David E. M. Warsinger, Jaichander Swaminathan, John Lienhard V (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-9151/MTR-F-124
- Experimental Investigation of Interfacial Temperature Evolution during Evaporation of Sessile Droplet
Martin Still, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan (Technische Universit ̈ t Darmstadt, Germany)
Room G
Photon, Phonon and electron transport (PPE)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:10
- IHTC15-8551/PPE-G-111
- The Effect of Distributions of Nanoparticles on Thermal Conductivity of Nanocomposites
Jin Zhang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China), Bo Shi (University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Yimin Xuan (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
- IHTC15-8641/PPE-G-112
- Circuits for Thermal Light
Philippe Ben-Abdallah (Laboratoire charles fabry, France), Svend-Age Biehs (Oldenburg University, Germany)
- IHTC15-9038/PPE-G-113
- A New Theoretical Model of Selectively Photothermolysis to Aid Laser Treatment of Poor Responding Port Wine Stain Blood Vessels
Dong Li, Bin Chen (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Guo-xiang Wang (University of Akron, USA), Wenjuan Wu, Y L He (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9156/PPE-G-114
- Thermal Conductivity Calculation of Magnesium Silicide Alloys by lattice Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics Methods
Takuma Shiga, Takuru Murakami, Takuma Hori (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Keivan Esfarjani (Rutgers University, USA), Junichiro Shiomi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-9064/PPE-G-115
- In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Si Thin Films from First-Principles Calculation
Xinjiang Wang, Baoling Huang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
Heat exchanger (HEX1)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-8816/HEX-G-121
- Numerical Simulation of Complicated Chevron Plates Passages
Hui-bao Luan (Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, China), Wen-Quan Tao (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Guo-Qing Zhu, Bin Chen, Song Wang (Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, China)
- IHTC15-8647/HEX-G-122
- Investigation of the Flow Distribution for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid in a Plate Heat Exchanger
Yi-Chun Tang, Chen-Xi Chu (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Yur-Tsai Lin (Yuan-Ze Institute of Technology, Taiwan), Rony Sian, Chi-Chuan Wang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-9411/HEX-G-123
- A Computer Model for Simulation of Drying and Preheating of Wet Iron ore in a Rotary Kiln
Ashish Agrawal, Partha Ghoshdastidar (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)
- IHTC15-8503/HEX-G-124
- Effect of Sand Fouling on Compact Fin Heat Exchangers
Sarah Obadina, Josh Fody, Serguei Dessiatoun, Michael Ohadi, Amir Shooshtari (University of Maryland, USA)
- IHTC15-9412/HEX-G-125
- Thermal Performance and Characteristics of SpiraL-Tube Ground Heat Exchanger for Ground-Source Heat Pump
Haddada Jalaluddin (Hasanuddin University Makassar, Indonesia), Akio Miyara (Saga University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9149/HEX-G-126
- Comparison between the Thermal Performance of Single and Double-Layer Microchannels Inserted with Micro Pin Fins
Olayinka O. Adewumi (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Tunde Bello-Ochende (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Room H
Molecular transport (MLT)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:10
- IHTC15-8513/MLT-H-111
- Molecular Dynamics Study on Influences of Surface Structural Characteristics on Thermal Energy Transport over Liquid-Solid Interfaces
Masahiko Shibahara, Ryohei Toda, Sho Murakami (Osaka University, Japan), Taku Ohara (Tohoku University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9055/MLT-H-112
- Molecular Dynamics Investigation on the Wetting Process of Liquid Droplet on a Solid Surface
Eisuke Arakaki, Shogo Nishida, Donatas Surblys, Yasutaka Yamaguchi (Osaka University, Japan), Koji Kuroda, Masaru Kagawa, Tadashi Nakajima, Hideo Fujimura (Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., Japan)
- IHTC15-8514/MLT-H-113
- Photon Upconversion Based on Inter-Molecular Energy Transfer in Ionic Liquids: A Technology for Utilizing Sub-Bandgap Wasted Solar Energies
Yoichi Murakami, Akio Kawai (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9635/MLT-H-114
- Heat Transferred from Cold to Hot in Near-Critical Fluids under Low Gravity
Guo-Jie Hu, Hai-Dong Wang, Zengyuan Guo (Tsinghua University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9499/MLT-H-115
- A Coupling Scheme of Lattice Boltzmann Method and Finite Volume Method for Multi-Component Diffusion Processes
Zi-Xiang Tong, Ya-Ling He, Wei-Wei Yang, Wen-Quan Tao (Xi'an Jiaotong University, P. R. China)
Fuel cell (FCL)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-9494/FCL-H-121
- Optimization of Oxygen and Proton Transfer in Heterogeneous PEFC Catalyst Layer by Controlling Local Carbon Black Aggregate Structure
Gen Inoue, Shohei Baba (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9267/FCL-H-122
- Measurements of the Temperature Distribution of a PEMFC Catalyst Layer Using an Ultra Thin Thermocouple Array
Takuto Araki, Toshiki Sugimoto (Yokohama National University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9176/FCL-H-123
- Study on the Effect of Micro Porous Layer on Water Transport Phenomena in PEFC by Using Neutron Radiography
Hideki Murakawa, Katsumi Sugimoto, Nobuki Kitamura, Hitoshi Asano, Nobuyuki Takenaka (Kobe University, Japan), Yasushi Saito (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9587/FCL-H-124
- Effect of Heat and Mass Transfer and Electrochemistry on Performance in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks
Robert Nishida, Steven Beale, Jon Pharoah (Queen's Univeristy, Canada)
- IHTC15-9440/FCL-H-125
- Towards the Microstructural Optimisation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes
Masashi Kishimoto, Marina Lomberg, Enrique Ruiz-Trejo, Nigel Brandon (Imperial College London, UK)
- IHTC15-9078/FCL-H-126
- Flow Distribution Uniformity Evaluation in kW-Range Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Stack
Yuta Nakano, Yuki Morimatsu, Zhen Guo, Masakazu Ohashi, Masataka Mochizuki (Fujikura Ltd., Japan)
Room I
Thermophysical properties (TPP1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-8453/TPP-I-111
- Method for Predicting Spatial Distribution of Formation Thermophysical Properties from Temperature Logs
Wen-Long Cheng, Yong-Le Nian, Yong-Hua Huang, Cheng-Mei Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
- IHTC15-9572/TPP-I-112
- Analysis of Improved Lumped Models for Estimating the Thermal Conductivity Augmentation in Composite Materials
Debora Moreira, Mariana Cristina Telles, Luiz Carlos Nunes, Leandro Sphaier (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil)
- IHTC15-8568/TPP-I-113
- Modeling Thermal Conductivity of Natural Rubber with Carbon Black
Junping Song, Lianxiang Ma, Yan He (Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China), Wei Li (Zhejiang University, China), Shichune Yao (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
- IHTC15-8626/TPP-I-114
- The Effect of Porous Media Properties on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrates and Evaluation of Existing Prediction Correlations
Lei Yang, Jiafei Zhao, Yongchen Song, Weiguo Liu, Yu Liu, Yi Zhang, Dayong Wang, Mingjun Yang, Jiaqi Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8646/TPP-I-115
- Intriguingly High Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Graphene Nanoplatelets Contained Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Composites
Wei Yu, Huaqing Xie (Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, China), Xiaofeng Zhou (Southeast University, China), Yang Li, Lifei Chen (Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, China)
- IHTC15-8688/TPP-I-116
- Characterization of Thermal Transport in Carbon Nanotube Yarns
Jianli Wang (Southeast University, China), Sisi He (Tianjin University, China), Jiajian Bao (Southeast University, China), Xing Zhang (Tsinghua University, China), Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen (Southeast University, China)
Thermophysical properties (TPP2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 17:40
- IHTC15-8806/TPP-I-121
- Measurement of Temperature Distribution for the Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in Porous Media
Mingjun Yang, Yongchen Song, Lanlan Jiang, Shenglong Wang, Yuechao Zhao, Jiafei Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9395/TPP-I-122
- Experimental Measurement on Spectral Properties of Quartz at High Temperature
Shun-De Zhang, Qing Ai, Xin-Lin Xia (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9451/TPP-I-123
- Raman Spectra Method for Determining Viscosity of Supercritical Fluids
Qin-yi Li, Xing Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-8213/TPP-I-124
- Reconstruction of Thermal Boundary Resistance and Intrinsic Thermal Conductivity of SiO2-GaN-Sapphire Structure and Temperature Dependence
Zhaoliang Wang, Yong Ma, G. Yao, X. Tian (China University of Petroleum, China), Dawei Tang (Chinese Academy of Science, China)
- IHTC15-9128/TPP-I-125
- Development of a Thermal Measurement Technique for Detection of Localized Filler Distribution within a Polymer Composite
Dong-Wook Oh (Chosun University, Republic of Korea), Jang Min Park (Yeungnam University, Republic of Korea), Ook Joong Kim, Sang Jin Park (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Republic of Korea)
Room J
Condensation (CDS1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-8481/CDS-J-111
- A Literature Overview On Condensation Heat Transfer Of Ammonia On The Outside Of Tubes
Klaus Spindler (Universität Stuttgart, Germany)
- IHTC15-10516/CDS-J-112
- Versatile Models for Condensation of Fluids with Widely Varying Properties from the Micro to Macroscale
Srinivas Garimella, Brian M. Fronk, Jeffrey A. Milkie, Brendon L. Keinath (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-9112/CDS-J-113
- A New Condensation Heat Transfer Model Based on the Flow Regime in a Nearly Horizontal Pipe.
Tae-hwan Ahn, Jae-jun Jeong (Pusan National University, South Korea), Kyong-ho Kang (Korea Atomic Energy Reasearch Institute, South Korea), Jong Cheon (Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power co., South Korea), Byong-jo Yun (Pusan National University, South Korea)
- IHTC15-9536/CDS-J-114
- Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Air-Cooled Condenser
Valerij Artemov, Konstantin Minko, Georgij Yankov (National Research University, Russia)
- IHTC15-9958/CDS-J-115
- A Numerical Study of Condensation on Asymmetric Microsturctures
Shashank Natesh, Vinod Narayanan (Oregon State University, USA), Sushil Bhavnani (Auburn University, USA)
- IHTC15-9361/CDS-J-116
- Experimental Studies of Condensation Heat Transfer in an Inclined Microfin Tube
Adekunle O. Adelaja, Jaco Dirker, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Condensation (CDS2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-9363/CDS-J-121
- Experimental Investigation on Pressure Drop and Friction Factor in Tubes at Different Inclination Angles During the Condensation of R134a
Adekunle O. Adelaja, Daniel R.E. Ewim, Jaco Dirker, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-8645/CDS-J-122
- A New Flow Pattern Based General Correlation for Heat Transfer During Condensation in Horizontal Tubes
Mirza Shah (Criotec Impianti S.r.l. Italy)
- IHTC15-8873/CDS-J-123
- Steam Flow Condensation in Semi-Circular and Square Mini-Channels
Melanie Derby (Kansas State University, USA), Yoav Peles, Michael K. Jensen (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
- IHTC15-10018/CDS-J-124
- Condensation in Mini and Microchannels: Effect of Diameter, Shape, Inclination and Fluid Properties.
Stefano Bortolin, Davide Del Col (University of Padova, Italy)
- IHTC15-10015/CDS-J-125
- Condensation Heat Transfer of a Non-Azeotropic Mixture in a Single Minichannel
Davide Del Col, Marco Azzolin, Stefano Bortolin, Claudio Zilio (University of Padova, Italy)
- IHTC15-9033/CDS-J-126
- Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics on A Micro-structured Surface With Wettability Gradient
Atsushi Tokunaga (Ube National College of Technology, Japan), Masaki Mizutani, Gyoko Nagayama, Takaharu Tsuruta (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Room K
Energy Environmental Systems (EES1)
- time
- 13:30 〜 15:30
- IHTC15-8948/EES-K-111
- Heat Recovery in Difficult "Polluted Flue Gas Applications"in Waste to Energy Systems
Petr Stehlik, Vojtech Turek, Zdenek Jegla, Bohuslav Kilkovsky (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
- IHTC15-8662/EES-K-112
- Investigation on the Process of CO2 Diffusion and Mass Transfer in Oil-Saturated Porous Media Using MRI
Yuechao Zhao, Yongchen Song, Min Hao (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9294/EES-K-113
- Effect of Boundary Conditions and Ventilator Size on the Natural Convection in a Naturally Ventilated Greenhouse
Sunita Kruger (University of JHB, South Africa), Leon Pretorius (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9011/EES-K-114
- Multi-Scale Modeling and Approximation Assisted Optimization of Bare Tube Heat Exchangers
Daniel Bacellar, Jiazhen Ling, Vikrant Aute, Reinhard Radermacher (University of Maryland, USA), Omar Abdelaziz (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
- IHTC15-9639/EES-K-115
- Heat Balance of Anti-season Ice Cave
Liangsuo Shu Shu, Shiping Jin, Suyi Huang, Xin Qian, Xiyun Wang, Kai Tan, Yuming Liang, Jinyi Tan (Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8280/EES-K-116
- Energy-Based Assessment of Optimal Operating Parameters for Coupled Biochar and Syngas Production in Stratified Downdraft Gasifiers
Giulio Allesina, Simone Pedrazzi, Emma La Cava (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy), Michele Orlandi (Bioboost S.r.l., Italy), Miriam Hanuskova, Claudio Fontanesi, Paolo Tartarini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Energy Environmental Systems (EES2)
- time
- 16:00 〜 18:00
- IHTC15-9567/EES-K-121
- Analysis of Thermo-Hydraulic Couplings in a Heat Pump Water System
Guillaume Segond, Stéphane Launay, Lounès Tadrist (Aix-Marseille University, France)
- IHTC15-9058/EES-K-122
- PIV Measurement of Heat Transfer Deterioration Phenomena
Hiroyuki Nakaharai, Akira Yamada, Ryosuke Shigenaga (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD., Japan)
- IHTC15-8895/EES-K-123
- The Impact of Thermal Engineering Research on Global Climate Change
Patrick Phelan (Arizona State University, USA), Omar Abdelaziz (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA), Todd Otanicar (University of Tulsa, USA), Bernadette Phelan (Phelan Research Solutions Inc., USA), Ravi Prasher (Arizona State University, USA), Robert Taylor (University of New South Wales, Australia), Himanshu Tyagi (Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India)
- IHTC15-8552/EES-K-124
- Experimentally Determined Thermal Parameters of an Energy Conversion Device Using a Constraint Least Square Parameter Estimation Method Coupled with an Analytical Thermal Mode
Jonathan Hey (Imperial College London, UK), Adam Malloy (EVO Electric Ltd., UK), Ricardo Martinez-Botas (Imperial College London, UK)
Michael Lamperth (EVO Electric Ltd., UK)
- IHTC15-9019/EES-K-125
- A Study on the Prediction of Solar Insolation and Its Effects on Building Heating Load
Seong-Yeon Yoo, Tae-Ho Kim, Kyu-Hyun Han (Chungnam National University, Korea)
- IHTC15-9883/EES-K-126
- Domestic Passive Ventilation with Heat Recovery (PVHR): Performance Criteria, Tests and Operational Variations
Tom Lipinski (Ventive Ltd., UK), Szu-Hung Lee, Peter RN Childs (Imperial College London, UK)
Tuesday, August 12 (Day 2)
Room B1
Evaporation, Droplet/Spray/Liquid Film (EVP3)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-8637/EVP-B1-211
- Heat Transfer Characterization During Transient Boiling
Nicolas Baudin (IMFT, France/IRSN, France), Catherine Colin (IMFT, France), Pierre Ruyer (IRSN, France), Julien Sebilleau (IMFT, France)
- IHTC15-8766/EVP-B1-212
- Propagation Dynamics of Self-Sustained Evaporation Front and Characteristics of Small-Scale Perturbations at the Interface
Vladimir Zhukov, Aleksandr Pavlenko, Mikhail Moiseev (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Russia), Denis Kuznetsov (Novosibirsk State University, Russia)
- IHTC15-8439/EVP-B1-213
- Experimental Study of Pulsed and Steady State Confined Subcooled Jet Impingement Boiling
Sridhar Abishek, Ramesh Narayanaswamy (Curtin University, Australia), Vinod Narayanan (Oregon State University, USA)
- IHTC15-8347/EVP-B1-214
- Flow inside Evaporating Water Sessile Drop: a Numerical Study
Chafea Bouchenna, Mebrouk Ait Saada, Salah Chikh (USTHB, Algiers), Lounes Tadrist (Aix-Marseille Université, France)
- IHTC15-8693/EVP-B1-215
- Heat Transfer and Crisis Phenomena Development at Boiling and Evaporation in Falling Liquid Film at Stepwise Heat Generation
Aleksandr Pavlenko, Anton Surtaev, Irina Starodubtseva (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Russia)
- IHTC15-8652/EVP-B1-216
- Capillary and Thermal Performance of Advanced Multi-Height Micropost Evaporator Wicks
Seunggeol Ryu, Wonchul Lee, Youngsuk Nam (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Flow Boiling (FBL1)
- time
- 14:00 〜 16:00
- IHTC15-9930/FBL-B1-221
- Experimental Investigations of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Flow Behaviors in Microgap Channel
Osamu Kawanami (University of Hyogo, Japan), Yu Matsuda (Nagoya University, Japan), Yasuhiro Egami (Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan), Itsuro Honda (University of Hyogo, Japan), Hiroki Yamaguchi, Tomohide Niimi (Nagoya University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9604/FBL-B1-222
- An Experimental Investigation of Two-phase Refrigerant R-410A Flow Distribution in Plate Heat Exchangers
Chien-Yuh Yang, Yueh-Hung Lin, Guang-Cheng Li (National Central University, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-8821/FBL-B1-223
- Enhancing FC-72 Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Through Bubble Pumping from Imbalance Shear Flow Driven Rotating Beads
Shu-Lei Wang, Tsing-Fa Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-8800/FBL-B1-224
- The Impact of Fin Deformation on Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Internally Grooved Tubes
Sunil Mehendale (Michigan Technological University, USA)
- IHTC15-8435/FBL-B1-225
- Evaluation of Correlations for Predicting Heat Transfer During Boiling of Carbon Dioxide Inside Channels
Mirza Shah (Engineering Research & Consultation, USA)
- IHTC15-8351/FBL-B1-226
- Evaluation of a Method for Predicting Heat Transfer During Boiling of Mixtures in Plain Tubes
Mirza Shah (Engineering Research & Consultation, USA)
Flow Boiling (FBL2)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:30
- IHTC15-8792/FBL-B1-231
- Pressure Drop and Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Refrigerant R-134a in Microchannel Heat Sink
Vladimir V. Kuznetsov, Alisher S. Shamirzaev (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Russia)
- IHTC15-9049/FBL-B1-232
- Experimental Study of Two Phase Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Water in a Minitube
Manoharan Aravinthan, Sarit Kumar Das, Arcot R Balakrishnan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
- IHTC15-9410/FBL-B1-233
- Heat Transfer Coefficient and Pressure Drop Characteristics during R-1234yf Evaporation Inside Horizontal Small Tubes
Nguyen Ba Chien, Pham Quang Vu, Kwang Il Choi, Jong-Taek Oh (Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea)
- IHTC15-9589/FBL-B1-234
- Characteristics of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Rectangular Minichannels
Chitose Tanaka, Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-9122/FBL-B1-235
- Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of R1234ze(E) in a 3.4 mm ID Microfin Tube
Simone Mancin, Andrea Diani, Luisa Rossetto (University of Padova, Italy)
- IHTC15-8705/FBL-B1-236
- An Analysis of the Effect of the Footprint Orientation on the Heat Sink Performance during Flow Boiling in Micro-Scale Channels
Hugo Leonardo Souza Lara Leão, Gherhardt Ribatski (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
Room B2
Solar energy (SOL1)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-8410/SOL-B2-211
- Design and Analysis of a Rooftop Solar Furnace
Robert Taylor (University of New South Wales, Australia), Moucun Yang (Nanjing University of Technology, China), Arunima Bandara, Karl Morrison, Awais Ashraf, Evatt Hawkes (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- IHTC15-8072/SOL-B2-212
- Development of Concentrating System of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell with a Heat Exchanger
Yong Woo Kim (Pusan National University, South Korea), Young Hyung Kim, Sang Hee Park (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea)
- IHTC15-9580/SOL-B2-213
- Analysis of Regenerative Thermal Storage Geometries for Solar Gas Turbines
Peter Klein (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa), Thomas Roos (CSIR, South Africa), John Sheer (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9162/SOL-B2-214
- Mathematical Modeling of Radiative Heat Transfer Process in High-Temperature Solar Power Plant
Victor Leonov, Aleksey Bannikov, Igor Zharenov (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia)
- IHTC15-8054/SOL-B2-215
- Hybrid Device for CPV Power Generation and Heating
Dong Il Lee, Seung Wook Baek (KAIST, Korea)
- IHTC15-8611/SOL-B2-216
- Design and Analysis of a Low-Profile, Concentrating Solar Thermal Collector
Qiyuan Li, Cheng Zheng, Xiaoguang Gu, Albert Woffenden (University of New South Wales, Australia), Gary Rosengarten (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia), Evatt Hawkes (University of New South Wales, Australia), Moucun Yang (Nanjing University of Technology, China), Robert Taylor (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Solar energy (SOL2)
- time
- 14:00 〜 16:00
- IHTC15-9067/SOL-B2-221
- A Heat Transfer Model for Concentrating Silicon Solar Cells in a Spectrally Splitting Hybrid Receiver
Ahmad Mojiri, C. Stanley (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia), Elizabeth Thomsen, Vernie Everett, Andrew Blakers (Australian National University, Australia), Gary Rosengarten (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia)
- IHTC15-9239/SOL-B2-222
- An Integrated Thermal Electrical Model for Single Cell Photovoltaic Receivers Under Concentration
Marios Theristis, Tadhg O'Donovan (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
- IHTC15-9597/SOL-B2-223
- Investigation of Design Parameters in Planar Solar Thermophotovoltaic Devices
David Bierman, Andrej Lenert, Evelyn Wang (MIT, USA)
- IHTC15-9490/SOL-B2-224
- Numerical Simulation of Parabolic Trough Receiver Under Non-Uniform and Fluctuant Solar Flux Condition
Kun Wang, Ya-Ling He, Ze-Dong Cheng, Ming-Jia Li, Wen-Quan Tao (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9290/SOL-B2-225
- Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in a Directly Illuminated Solar Thermal Energy Store
Ityona Amber, Tadhg O'Donovan (Heriot Watt University, UK)
- IHTC15-9526/SOL-B2-226
- Heat Transfer Modeling in Integrated Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generators Using Concentrated Irradiation
Saurabh Tembhurne, Mikael Dumortier, Sophia Haussener (EPFL, Switzerland)
Solar energy (SOL3)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:10
- IHTC15-9014/SOL-B2-231
- A Numerical Model of Transient Thermal Transport Phenomena in a High-Temperature Solid-Gas Reacting system for CO2 Capture Applications
Lindsey Yue, Wojciech Lipinski (Australian National University, Australia)
- IHTC15-8681/SOL-B2-232
- DSMC Study on the Rarefied Gaseous Heat Transfer in Annulus Heated by Nonuniform Heat Flux
Xin-Peng Zhao, Zeng-Yao Li, Zhen Tang, Wen-Quan Tao (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9309/SOL-B2-233
- Forecast Methods for Direct Normal Irradiance at the Ground Level
Carlos Coimbra (University of California, San Diego, USA)
- IHTC15-9257/SOL-B2-234
- Simulation Study of Regenerator of Stirling Engine Used for Solar Energy Thermal Power Generation
Jingfu Wang, Xinxin Zhang, Miao Zeng, Mingxing Jia (Beijing University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9150/SOL-B2-235
- Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Parabolic Trough Receiver Using Perforated Conical Inserts
Aggrey Mwesigye (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Tunde Bello-Ochende (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Josua Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Room C1
Measurement and instrumentation (MIN1)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-8678/MIN-C1-211
- An Investigation of Wall Temperature Characteristics to Improve the Evaluation Method for Thermal Fatigue at a T-Junction Pipe
Koji Miyoshi, Akira Nakamura (Institute of nuclear safety system, Incorporated, Japan), Nobuyuki Takenaka (Kobe University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8703/MIN-C1-212
- High Speed Observation and Measurement of Surface Temperature and Surface Heat Flux During Impact of a Droplet on Hot Surface
Suhaimi Illias (SAGA UNIVERSITY, Japan), Mohammad Nasim Hasan (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh), Yuichi Mitsutake, Masanori Monde (SAGA UNIVERSITY, Japan)
- IHTC15-8290/MIN-C1-213
- New Methodology and Apparatus for the Thermal Characterization of Semi-Crystalline Thermoplastics in Extreme Conditions
Baptiste Pignon (Université de Nantes, France), Xavier Tardif (IRT Jules Verne, France), Vincent Sobotka, Nicolas Boyard, Didier Delaunay (Université de Nantes, France)
- IHTC15-8749/MIN-C1-214
- The Freestanding Sensor-Based 3ω Technique for Thermophysical Properties Characterization
Lin Qiu, Xinghua Zheng, Peng Yue, Meng Liu, Dawei Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-8725/MIN-C1-215
- Method To Analyze the Spatial Current Distribution in An Operating PEFC Based on NMR Measurement Using Small Planar Surface Coils
Kuniyasu Ogawa, Yasuo Yokouchi (Keio University, Japan), Tomoyuki Haishi (MRTechnology, Inc., Japan), Kohei Ito (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9775/MIN-C1-216
- Study of Thermal Characteristics of Power Mosfet Package under Body-Diode and Saturate Test Conditions
Yafei Luo (Mentor Graphics Japan, Japan), Yasushi Kajita (Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute, Japan), Tomoyuki Hatakeyama, Shinji Nakagawa, Masaru Ishizuka (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan)
Measurement and instrumentation (MIN2)
- time
- 14:00 〜 16:00
- IHTC15-9132/MIN-C1-221
- Non Contact Temperature Field Measurement on Non-Uniform Dynamical Scenes : Contribution of Thermoreflectometry
Remi Gilblas, Thierry Sentenac, Yannick Le Maoult (Toulouse University, France), Daniel Hernandez (Processes, Materials and Solar Energy, France)
- IHTC15-9929/MIN-C1-222
- Accuracy Verification on 2D Temperature Measurement Method Using CT-Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Takahiro Kamimoto, Yoshihiro Deguchi, Yusuke Kiyota (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
- IHTC15-9934/MIN-C1-223
- Simultaneous 2D NH3 and Temperature Measurement Using CT-Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Yoshihiro Deguchi, Takahiro Kamimoto, Yusuke Kiyota (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
- IHTC15-8853/MIN-C1-224
- Cooling of Electronic Components by Steady/Unsteady Air Flow
David Altura, Alex Liberzon, Neima Brauner (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- IHTC15-9574/MIN-C1-225
- Effect of the Vapor Flow on the Drop Spreading in the Leidenfrost Regime
Guillaume Castanet, Ophélie Caballina, Alexandre Labergue, Michel Gradeck, Fabrice Lemoine (Université de Lorraine, France)
- IHTC15-9918/MIN-C1-226
- Cross-Ventilation Measurements in Buildings: Small and Full Scales Experimental Models
Julien Salort, Hervé Pabiou, Francesca Chillà, Christophe Ménézo (Université de Lyon, France)
Measurement and instrumentation (MIN3)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:30
- IHTC15-8595/MIN-C1-231
- The Effect of Sonication Time on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Glycerol-MgO Based Nanofluids
Ntumba Tshimanga, Mohsen Sharifpur, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9800/MIN-C1-232
- Thermal-Hydraulic Experiments with Sodium Chloride Aqueous Solution
LiFang Jiao, Wei Liu, Taku Nagatake, Kazuyuki Takase, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Fumihisa Nagase (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
- IHTC15-8605/MIN-C1-233
- Combined Three-Dimensional Flow- and Temperature Field Measurements Using Digital Light Field Photography
Manuel Rietz, Oliver Garbrecht, Wilko Rohlfs, Reinhold Kneer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- IHTC15-8855/MIN-C1-234
- Temperature Imaging of Water Around a Small Heated Sphere Using a Near-Infrared Absorption Technique
Naoto Kakuta, Kenta Yamada, Ryota Fujioka (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Katsuya Kondo (Tottori University, Japan), Hidenobu Arimoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Yukio Yamada (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
- IHTC15-8990/MIN-C1-235
- New Estimation Method Based on Integral Transforms for the Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Anisotropic Materials
Christophe Rodiet, Mathieu Niezgoda, Benjamin Remy, Alain Degiovanni (Université de Lorraine, France)
- IHTC15-9380/MIN-C1-236
- Visualization and Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer with Chemical Reactions in Microchannels
Daisuke Kawashima, Naoto Kakuta (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan), Katsuya Kondo (Tottori University, Japan), Hidenobu Arimoto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Yukio Yamada (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Room C2
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:20
- IHTC15-8752/NMS-C2-211
- Development of a Mini-Channel Gas Separator Utilizing Soret Effect
Naoki Ono, Takahiro Wako, Tomohiro Higurashi (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Sohei Matsumoto (AIST, Japan)
- IHTC15-9313/NMS-C2-212
- Fabrication and Visualization of a Micro Pulsating Heat Pipe
Kai-Shing Yang (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan), Yu-Chi Cheng (National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan), Ming-Shan Jeng, Kuo-Hsiang Chien (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan), Jin-Cherng Shyu (National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-9625/NMS-C2-213
- The Influence of Surface Electric Charge on Water Freezing
Jia-Wei Zhou, Xiang-Xiong Zhang, Min Chen (Tsinghua University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9130/NMS-C2-214
- Effect of Wall Structures on Nano-Channel Flows
Haruka Yasuoka, Tomohiko Imae, Masayuki Kaneda, Kazuhiko Suga (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9508/NMS-C2-215
- Enhanced Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels with Structured Surfaces
Yangying Zhu, Dion Antao, Kuang-Han Chu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Terry Hendricks (-), Evelyn Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE1)
- time
- 14:00 〜 15:40
- IHTC15-8240/HTE-C2-221
- Heat Transfer in a 90° T-Junction
Julien Pellé, Olmo Duran Medina, Thien Duy Nguyen, Souad Harmand (Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, TEMPO, France)
- IHTC15-9123/HTE-C2-222
- Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Flow and Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes with Straight Frame Rotor Inserts
Xiaolei Zhu, Ji'an Meng, Hong Zhou, Zhixin Li (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9615/HTE-C2-223
- A Numerical and Experimental Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Viscoelastic Fluid in a Serpentine Channel
Kazuya Tatsumi, Wataru Nagasaka, Takuya Matsuo, Kazuyoshi Nakabe (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9974/HTE-C2-224
- Numerical Investigation of Benard-Marangoni Convection of Paramagnetic Liquid in Annular Layers
Toshio Tagawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9062/HTE-C2-225
- Investigation of Heat Exchange and Hydrodynamics Parameters in Annular Channels with Interacting Swirling Flows
Alexander Zakharenkov, Eduard Boltenko, Alexander Varava, Aleksey Dedov, Alexander Komov (National Research University, Russia)
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE2)
- time
- 16:30 〜 17:50
- IHTC15-8825/HTE-C2-231
- Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Partial Length Pin Fins in Vertical Parallel Plate Channel
Ravi S. Jadhav, Chakravarthy Balaji (IIT Madras, India)
- IHTC15-9372/HTE-C2-232
- Thermal Performance of Nanofluids in Microchannel Equipped with a Synthetic Jet Actuator
Ann Lee, Dezheng Darson Li, Ghar Ek Lau, Guan Heng Yeoh (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- IHTC15-9259/HTE-C2-233
- The Effect of a Crossed Electromagntic Field on Mixed Convection of a Low Pr Fluid in a Vertical Duct
Praveen Throvagunta, N.L Gajbhiye (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India), Viktor Eswaran (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Medak, India)
- IHTC15-9950/HTE-C2-234
- An Analysis of Paramagnetic Fluid Thermal Convection in a Concentric Annuli under Strong Magnetic Field Gradient
Witold Wrobel, Elzbieta Fornalik-Wajs, Łukasz Pleskacz (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland), Sasa Kenjereš (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Janusz Szmyd (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Room D
Adsorption and desorption (ADS)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-9289/ADS-D-211
- Design and Performance Analysis of an Advanced Thermal Battery for Electric Vehicle Climate Control
Shankar Narayanan, Xiansen Li, Sungwoo Yang, Ian McKay, Hyunho Kim, Evelyn Wang (MIT, USA)
- IHTC15-8866/ADS-D-212
- Effects of the Induced Charge on CO2 Adsorption in Cu-BTC at Different Temperature: A Combined Experimental and Molecular Simulation Study
Hui Wang, Zhiguo Qu, Wen Zhang, Wenquan Tao (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9555/ADS-D-213
- Theoritical and Experimental Studies on Characteristics of Adsorption Performance of Desiccant Rotor Applied to Desiccant Heat Pump
Shiyu Feng, Naoki Nakagawa, Takehiro Koyano, Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-9051/ADS-D-214
- Inclusion of Non-Isothermal Effects in Modeling Electrochemical Kinetics of Contaminated PEM Fuel Cell Electrodes
Saiful Hasmady, Kazuyoshi Fushinobu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9392/ADS-D-215
- A Measurement Method of Adsorption/Desorption Rate Controlled by Adsorbent Temperature in Moist Air of Atmospheric Pressure
Takafumi Ouchi, Yoshinori Hamamoto, Hideo Mori (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9623/ADS-D-216
- Molecular Simulation of CO2 Sorption on Mesoporous Material Fillled with Polyethylenimine
Jiang Li, Weilong Wang, Jing Ding (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
Two-phase, Bubble Flow, Water Film (TBF)
- time
- 14:00 〜 16:00
- IHTC15-8960/TBF-D-221
- Bubble Growth in Microgravity Under the Action of Electric Forces: Experiments and Numerical Simulation
Paolo Di Marco (DESTEC University of Pisa, Italy), Ryo Kurimoto (Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan), Giacomo Saccone (DESTEC University of Pisa, Italy), Kosuke Hayashi, Akio Tomiyama (Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8906/TBF-D-222
- Study on Liquid Film Thickness of Accelerated Slug Flow in Micro Tubes
Kenshiro Muramatsu (DENSO CORPORATION, Japan), Youngjik Youn (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Youngbae Han (Hongik University, Korea), Keishi Yokoyama, Yosuke Hasegawa, Naoki Shikazono (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-9171/TBF-D-223
- Microscale Convective Heat Transfer with Plug Flow in Microchannels
Teck Neng Wong, Zhizhao Che (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Nam Trung Nguyen (Griffith University, Australia)
- IHTC15-8857/TBF-D-224
- Measurements of Heat Transfer Coefficients to Cylinders in Shallow Bubble Columns
Emily Tow, John Lienhard V (MIT, USA)
- IHTC15-8573/TBF-D-225
- Experimental Research on Falling Film Flow Characteristic for Horizontal Drop-shaped Tube Bundle in Cold State
Chao Bai, Lincong Luo, Guanmin Zhang, Maocheng Tian (Shandong University, China), Wei Li (Zhejiang University, China), Yanping Shi (Shanxi Fenxi Heavy Industry, China)
- IHTC15-8671/TBF-D-226
- Study of the Flow and Heat Transfer of Water Film on Hot Air Anti-Icing Airfoil Surface
Mei Zheng, Wei Dong, Guilin Lei, Jianjun Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Room E
Inverse problems (INV)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-9796/INV-E-211
- Parameter Estimation Using Heat Transfer Models with Experimental Data Using a Combined Ann-Bayesian Approach
Nagarajan Gnanasekaran (National Institute of Technology Surathkal, India), Nithin, C. Balaji (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
- IHTC15-9577/INV-E-212
- Recovering the Front Surface Temperature of Metallic and Composite Targets Subject to Localized Heating via Inverse Heat Transfer Modeling
Yuwen Zhang, JinnKuen Chen, Zaichun Feng (University of Missouri, USA)
- IHTC15-9764/INV-E-213
- Research and Development of Heat Flux Sensor for Thermokinetic Processes
Oleg Alifanov, Sergey Budnik, Aleksey Nenarokomov, Andrey Netelev (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-9532/INV-E-214
- A Non-Intrusive Inverse Problem Technique for the Identification of Contact Failures in Double-Layered Composites
Luiz Abreu (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / COPPE, Brazil), Carlos Alves (Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal), Marcelo Colaco, Helcio R. B. Orlande (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / COPPE, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9473/INV-E-215
- Retrieval of Geometric Structure of Internal Defect in Two-Dimensional Semi-Transparent Media under Laser Irradiation Using the Rds-Pso
Hong Qi, Zhenzong He, Teng Jia, Biao Zhang, Liming Ruan (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9190/INV-E-216
- Estimation of the Heat Transfered to a Fluid in a Minichannel by an Inverse Technique
W. Al Hadad, Y. Rouizi, Y. Jannot, B. Rémy, D. Maillet (University of Lorraine & CNRS, France)
Bio and medical applications (BMA2)
- time
- 14:00 〜 15:40
- IHTC15-9304/BMA-E-221
- Experimental Study on the Vascular Thermal Response to Visible Laser Pulses
Dong Li, Bin Chen, Wenjuan Wu, Guo-xiang Wang, Y L He (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Zhaoxia Ying (University of Akron, USA)
- IHTC15-8933/BMA-E-222
- Observation of Ice-Solute Interaction in Freezing of Trehalose and Albumin Solutions by Using Confocal Raman Microscope Equipped with Directional Solidification Stage
Hideto Hirahata, Yutaka Nagare (Kyushu University, Japan), Alan Twomey (University of Minnesota, USA), Kosaku Kurata, Takanobu Fukunaga (Kyushu University, Japan), Alptekin Aksan (University of Minnesota, USA), Hiroshi Takamatsu (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9119/BMA-E-223
- Voxel-Based Simulation of Air-Conditioning in the Human Nasal Cavity
Gaku Tanaka, Fuyuto Araki, Shun Shimizu (Chiba University, Japan), Toshihiro Sera (Osaka University, Japan), Hideo Yokota, Kenji Ono (Riken, Japan)
- IHTC15-9542/BMA-E-224
- Blinking and Temperature Gradients in Normal Functioning Human Eye
Amanie Abdelmessih (California Baptist University, USA)
- IHTC15-8277/BMA-E-225
- Investigations on Interactions between Heat Exchanger Biofouling and Suspended Matter
Qianpeng Yang, Lin Shi, Siyuan Chang (Tsinghua University, China)
Room F
Forced Convection (FCV3)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-8965/FCV-F-211
- Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer Process at a Gas-Dynamic Method of Energy Separation
Andrey Zditovets, Urii Vinogradov (Moscow State University, Russia), Alexander Titov (OJSC Orgenergogaz, Russia)
- IHTC15-9225/FCV-F-212
- Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics in the Annuli of Tube-in-Tube Heat Exchangers (Horizontal Lay-Out)
Francois P.A Prinsloo, Jaco Dirker, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9107/FCV-F-213
- Gas-Dynamic Temperature Stratification in a Compressible Low-Prandtle Gas Flow on a Permeable Wall
Maksim Makarov, Viktor Naumkin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
- IHTC15-9469/FCV-F-214
- Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonium Alum Hydrate Slurries with Surfactants as Drag-Reducers and with Polyvinyl Alcohol as Stabilizers
Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Takuya Tano, Yoshiyuki Komoda (Kobe University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9210/FCV-F-215
- Inlet Flow Effects in Microchannels on Single-Phase Heat Transfer Coefficients and Friction Factors
Darshik V. Garach, Jaco Dirker, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9250/FCV-F-216
- Heat Transfer Coefficients for Tubes in the Turbulent Single Phase Flow Regime with a Focus on Uncertainty
Madder Steyn, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Forced Convection (FCV4)
- time
- 14:00 〜 15:20
- IHTC15-8952/FCV-F-221
- An Analytical Study of the Heat Transfer in a Regular-Shaped Micro-Channel Type Stirling Regenerator
ZhiGang Li, Dawei Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Yoshihiko Haramura (Kanagawa University, Japan), Miao Zeng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Yohei Kato (Kanagawa University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9280/FCV-F-222
- Effects of Evaporation and Condensation on Apparent Thermal Slip
Marc Hodes, Lisa Lam, Scott MacLachlan (Tufts University, USA), Ryan Enright (Alcatel-Lucent, Ireland)
- IHTC15-9409/FCV-F-223
- Characteristics of Thermal Convective Flow of Near-Critical CO2 Fluid in Microchannels
Lin Chen, Xin-Rong Zhang (Peking University, China)
- IHTC15-9745/FCV-F-224
- Experimental Analysis of Gas Forced Convective Heat Transfer in Microtubes under H and T Thermal Boundary Conditions
Yahui Yang (University of Bologna, Italy), Chungpyo Hong (Kagoshima University, Japan), Gian Luca Morini (University of Bologna, Italy)
Forced Convection (FCV5)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:10
- IHTC15-8769/FCV-F-231
- Volumetric Heat Transfer Determination for Forced Convection of Air through Alumina (Al2O3) Foam
Dig Vijay, Pitt Goetze, Rhena Wulf, Ulrich Gross (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
- IHTC15-9036/FCV-F-232
- High Temperature Metal Foam Heat Exchanger
Pakeeza Hafeez, Saeid Salavati, Javad Esmeelpanah, Sanjeev Chandra, Javad Mostaghimi, Tom Coyle (University of Toronto,Canada)
- IHTC15-9167/FCV-F-233
- Experimental Determination of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients during Molten Aluminum Purification Using Open Cell Alumina (AL2O3) Ceramics
Pitt Goetze, Dig Vijay, Eva Jaeckel, Rhena Wulf, Ullrich Gross, Klaus Eigenfeld (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany)
- IHTC15-9489/FCV-F-234
- Hydrothermal-Wave Instability and Resultant Flow Patterns Induced by Thermocapillary Effect in a Half-Zone Liquid Bridge of High Aspect Ratio
Ichiro Ueno, Hiroki Kawasaki, Takumi Watanabe, Kosuke Motegi, Toshihiro Kaneko (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
- IHTC15-9852/FCV-F-235
- The Effect of Radiative Heat Transfer on Slip Flow through Parallel-Plate Microchannels
Mostafa Shojaeian (Sabanci University, Turkey), Rahim Zamanian (Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran), Ali Koşar (Sabanci University, Turkey)
Room G
Heat exchanger (HEX2)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:40
- IHTC15-8536/HEX-G-211
- Flow and Thermal Performance of Graphite Foam Dimpled Fin Heat Exchangers
Wamei Lin (Lund university, Sweden), Gongnan Xie (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China), Bengt Sunden (Lund university, Sweden), Qiuwang Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9007/HEX-G-212
- Entropy Generation Minimization Analysis of Passive and Active Magnetocaloric Regenerators
Paulo Trevizoli, Diego Alcalde, Jader Barbosa (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- IHTC15-8908/HEX-G-213
- Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance of Offset Strip Fin with Gap between Adjacent Rows
Seongwon Hwang, Ji-Hwan Jeong, Jae Jun Jeong (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
- IHTC15-8929/HEX-G-214
- A Numerical Study on Turbulent Single-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Pillow Plates
Mark Piper, Alexander Zibart, Julian M. Tran, Eugeny Y. Kenig (University of Paderborn, Germany)
- IHTC15-9144/HEX-G-215
- Quantitative Estimation of Frost Formation on Plate-fin Tube Heat Exchanger by Neutron Radiography
Ryosuke Matsumoto, Tomoya Yoshimura, Hisashi Umekawa, Takeyuki Ami (Kansai University, Japan), Daisuke Ito, Yasushi Saito (Kyoto University, Japan)
Heat exchanger (HEX3)
- time
- 14:00 〜 15:20
- IHTC15-9435/HEX-G-221
- Enhanced Melting in Geometries Suitable for Thermal Energy Storage
Tomer Rozenfeld, Yoram Kozak, Gennady Ziskind (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
- IHTC15-9085/HEX-G-222
- Fin Efficiency and the Optimisation of X-Shaped Louvered Fins
Bernd Ameel, Joris Degroote, Henk Huisseune, Jan Vierendeels, Michel De Paepe (Ghent University - Ugent, Belgium)
- IHTC15-9362/HEX-G-223
- The Effect of the Circular Cylinder's Insertion Position on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Transition Flow
Hui Xu (Jiangshu University, China), Lijuan Wang (Nantong University,, China), Kyoji Inaoka (Doshisha university, Japan), Guannan Xi (Nantong University,, China)
- IHTC15-9194/HEX-G-224
- Study of Heat Pipe Effectiveness Filled with Different Refrigerants
Grzegorz Gorecki (Lodz University of Technology, Poland)
Heat exchanger (HEX4)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:30
- IHTC15-9766/HEX-G-231
- Numerical Simulation of 3D Flow Effect on Heat Transfer from a Tube Bank of Subsea Cooler
Nikolay Ivanov, Vladimir Ris, Evgueni M. Smirnov, Nikolay Tschur (SPbSPU, Russia)
- IHTC15-9041/HEX-G-232
- Effect of Fin Specification on Thermal Performance of Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger for Heat Pump under Frosting Condition
Jeongkeun Kim, Keumnam Cho (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
- IHTC15-9644/HEX-G-233
- CFD Modelling of Flow over in-Line Tube-Banks
Hector Iacovides, Brian Launder, Alastair West (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
- IHTC15-9093/HEX-G-234
- Maximal Velocity Ratio Design Method for Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers with Continuous Helical Baffles
Jianfeng Yang, Min Zeng, Guidong Chen, Qiuwang Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9791/HEX-G-235
- Optimization Of Lifetime Expectance For Heat Exchangers With Special Requirements
Pascal Freko, Ingo Thomas, Reinhold Hoelzl, Axel Lehmacher, Alexander Woitalka (Linde AG, Germany)
- IHTC15-9449/HEX-G-236
- Size Effect of the Flow Path on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Cavity Swept by a Visco-Elastic Fluid
Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda (Kobe University, Japan)
Room H
Electronic equipment cooling (EEC1)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:00
- IHTC15-8910/EEC-H-211
- Transient Thermal Behavior of The Microprocessor System - Investigation of Effects by Distributed Thermal Capacitance and Thermal Spreading Resistances
Koji Nishi (AMD Japan Ltd., Japan), Tomoyuki Hatakeyama, Shinji Nakagawa, Masaru Ishizuka (Toyama Prefectural University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8951/EEC-H-212
- AN 1-D Model for Species Crossover Through the Membrane in All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Yuan Lei, Baowen Zhang, Bofeng Bai (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Tianshou Zhao (HKUST, China)
- IHTC15-8327/EEC-H-213
- A Miniature Multiple Vibrating-Fan Cooling System ]Using Magnetic Force and Piezoelectric Force
HsienChin Su (Purdue University, USA), Chunlin Liu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-9808/EEC-H-214
- Liquid Film Wave Patterns and Dryout in Microgap Channel Annular Flow
Caleb Holloway, Avram Bar-Cohen, Darin Sharar (University of Maryland, USA)
Electronic equipment cooling (EEC2)
- time
- 14:00 〜 15:20
- IHTC15-9594/EEC-H-221
- Conjugate Forced Convection-Conduction Heat Transfer in Channel Flow Using Different Cooling Fluids
Felipe Baptista Nishida, Yara de Souza Tadano, Thiago Antonini Alves (UTFPR/Ponta Grossa)
- IHTC15-9396/EEC-H-222
- Development of In-Plane Thermal Conductivity Measurement Method of Multi-Layer Printed Wiring Boards Called Straight Fin Temperature Fitting Method
Tetsuro Ogushi (Hiroshima International University, Japan), Kumi Aoki, Takashi Kobayashi, Yuta Niki (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan), Takuya Hirata (ESPEC Corporation, Japan)
- IHTC15-8546/EEC-H-223
- L-Shaped Thermosyphon Loop with Vertical Evaporator for Power Electronics Cooling
Francesco Agostini, Thomas Gradinger (ABB Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland)
- IHTC15-9420/EEC-H-224
- Performance Evaluation of Micro-Jet Impingement on Various Dimpled Surfaces
Sun-Min Kim, Kwang-Yong Kim (Inha University, Korea)
Electronic equipment cooling (EEC3)
- time
- 16:30 〜 17:50
- IHTC15-9166/EEC-H-231
- The Forced Circulation Cooling System with Rectangular Mini-Channels for the Inverter of Electric Vehicles
Jiwon Yeo (Kyushu University, Japan), Daisuke Jige (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan), Seiya Yamashita, Shigeru Koyama (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9936/EEC-H-232
- Practical Measurement System for Very Large Scale Integration Circuits Using Infrared Thermography
Yuan-Ta Hsieh, Jian-Fu Wu, Chiao-Li Fang, Hann-Huei Tsai, Ying-Zong Juang (National Applied Research Labortories, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-9227/EEC-H-233
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics from a Piezoelectric Fan Operating in Its Second Resonant Frequency Mode
Nick Jeffers, Jason Stafford, Brian Donnelly (Alcatel-Lucent, Ireland)
- IHTC15-9115/EEC-H-234
- Convolution Based Steady State Compact Thermal Model for 3D Integrated Circuits: Methodology for Including the Thermal Impact of Die to Die Interconnections
Federica Lidia Teresa Maggioni (IMEC/KULeuven, Belgium), Herman Oprins, Eric Beyne (IMEC, Leuven, Belgium), Ingrid De Wolf (IMEC/KULeuven, Belgium), Martine Baelmans (KULeuven, Belgium)
Room I
Thermophysical properties (TPP3)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:20
- IHTC15-9050/TPP-I-211
- Tailoring Radiative Property of Two-Dimensional Complex Grating Structures
Sunwoo Han, Bong Jae Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)
- IHTC15-9505/TPP-I-212
- Molecular Simulation of Water Sorption and Diffusion Characterizaton in Cation-Exchanged ZSM-5
Hongyin Chen, Jing Ding, Weilong Wang (Sun Yat-sen University, China), Xiaolan Wei (South China University of Technology, China), Jianfeng Lu (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
- IHTC15-9220/TPP-I-213
- Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide in Decane by MRI Technique
Yongchen Song, Hao Min, Yuechao Zhao, Yu Liu, Bo Su, Lanlan Jiang, Xinhuan Zhou, Lingyue Tang (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9664/TPP-I-214
- Heat Transport Along Polar Nanofilms Due to Surface Phonon-Polaritons
Jose Ordonez-Miranda, Laurent Tranchant (École centrale Paris, France), Beomjoon Kim (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Yann Chalopin, Thomas Antoni, Sebastian Volz (École centrale Paris, France)
- IHTC15-8917/TPP-I-215
- Thermal Conductivity of Silicon Nanofilms Predicted by Combined Phonon Hydrodynamics and Phonon Gas Dynamics
Yuan Dong, Bing-Yang Cao, Zeng-Yuan Guo (Tsinghua University, China)
Thermophysical properties (TPP4)
- time
- 14:00 〜 16:00
- IHTC15-8604/TPP-I-221
- Investigation into the pH and Electrical Conductivity Enhancement of MgO-Ethylene Glycol Nanofluids
Saheed Adewale Adio, Mohsen Sharifpur, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-8606/TPP-I-222
- Combined Influence of Size and Sonication on Constant Shear Viscosity of MgO-Ethylene Glycol Nanofluids
Saheed Adewale Adio, Mohsen Sharifpur, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9160/TPP-I-223
- Evaporation of Nanofluids
Jan Eggers, Stephan Kabelac (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
- IHTC15-8643/TPP-I-224
- Frost Formation and Growth on Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, and Biphilic Surfaces
Alexander Van Dyke, Amy Betz (Kansas State University, USA)
- IHTC15-8835/TPP-I-225
- A Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Study on Thermal Transport in Functionalized Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Nanocomposites
Youdi Kuang, Baoling Huang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8348/TPP-I-226
- Two Different Methods for Determination of Exothermic Reaction Enthalpies from Temperature Measurements in Beechwood Cylinders during Torrefaction
Andreas Ohliger, Paul-Martin Steffen, Reinhold Kneer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Thermal storage (TST)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:30
- IHTC15-9169/TST-I-231
- Non-Isothermal Kinetics of Zeolite Water Vapor Adsorption Into a Packed Bed Lab Scale Thermochemical Reactor
Mohammadreza Gaeini (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Herbert Zondag (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, The Netherlands), Camilo Rindt (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- IHTC15-9987/TST-I-232
- A Composite Mesoporous Material for an Open Sorption Thermal Energy Storage System
Hongzhi Liu, Katsunori Nagano, Daichi Sugiyama, Junya Togawa, Makoto Nakamura (Hokkaido University, JAPAN)
- IHTC15-8881/TST-I-233
- Investigation of Heat and Mass Transfer in a Magnesium Hydride Heat Storage Reactor
Dan Shen, Changying Zhao, Qian Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
- IHTC15-8892/TST-I-234
- Heat Transfer in Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Device for Automobile Applications
Duke Po-Chen Shih, Honghi Tran, Masahiro Kawaji (University of Toronto, Canada), Matthew Birkett, John Burgers (Dana Thermal Products, Canada)
- IHTC15-8518/TST-I-235
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Phase Change Heat Transfer Characteristics in Open-Cell Metal Foam Infiltrated with Eutectic Salt for Solar Energy Storage
Peng Zhang, Xin Xiao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), Ming Li (Yunnan Normal University, China)
- IHTC15-8753/TST-I-236
- Performance Analysis of the Molten-Salt Thermal Storage System Filled by PCM Capsules with Cascaded Melting Temperatures
Chao Xu (North China Electric Power University, China), Ming Wu (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Xing Ju, Xiaoze Du (North China Electric Power University, China), Yaling He (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China710049, China), Yuanyuan Li (North China Electric Power University, China)
Room J
Condensation (CDS3)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:20
- IHTC15-9602/CDS-J-211
- In-tube Condensation of Low GWP Mixture Refrigerants R1234ze(E)/R32
Akio Miyara (Saga University, Japan), Hasan M. M. Afroz, MD. Anowar Hossain (Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh)
- IHTC15-9758/CDS-J-212
- Condensation Heat Transfer of R-410A and R-22 in U-Tubes
Liang-Han Chien, Cheng-Sheng Liu (National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-9887/CDS-J-213
- Study on Computational Method of Filmwise Non-Equilibrium Condensation
Tsubasa Ohshima (Hitachizosen Corporation, Japan), Takeo Kajishima (Osaka University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8532/CDS-J-214
- A New Model for Refrigerant Condensation inside a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (BPHE)
Giovanni A. Longo, Giulia Righetti, Claudio Zilio (University of Padova, Italy)
- IHTC15-9416/CDS-J-215
- Nitrogen Liquefaction: a Prototype Plant
Mario De Salve (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Davide Milani (Transenergia srl), Bruno Panella (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Guido Roveta (Criotec Impianti S.r.l., Italy)
Condensation (CDS4)
- time
- 14:00 〜 16:00
- IHTC15-9335/CDS-J-221
- The Enhancement of Steam Condensation Heat Transfer on a Horizontal Tube by Addition of Ammonia
Bin Dong, Jun Zhao, Shixue Wang, Minghui Ge, Yulong Zhao (Tianjin University, China), Kunfeng Liang (Henan University of Science and technology, China)
- IHTC15-9609/CDS-J-222
- Droplet Departure Characteristics for Steam Dropwise Condensation at Low Pressure
Xuehu Ma, Rongfu Wen, Zhong Lan, Benli Peng, Wei Xu (Dalian University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9177/CDS-J-223
- Wettability-Driven Water Condensation at the Micron and Submicron Scale
Yutaka Yamada, Akira Kusaba, Tatsuya Ikuta, Takashi Nishiyama, Koji Takahashi, Yasuyuki Takata (Kyushu university, Japan)
- IHTC15-9801/CDS-J-224
- Bulk Condensation of Supersaturated Vapor with Allowance of Temperature Distribution of Droplets
Naum Kortsenshteyn (G.M. Krzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute, Russia), Arseniy Yastrebov (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-9895/CDS-J-225
- Study of the Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristic of an Ultra Micro Steam Injector
Taichi Koshiji, Yutaka Abe, Akiko Kaneko (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Yutaka Suzuki (WELCON Inc, Japan)
- IHTC15-8969/CDS-J-226
- Condensation of Water from Saturated Air in a Compact Plate Condenser with Application to Water Balance in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell systems
Ashley Fly, Rob Thring (Loughborough University, UK)
Condensation (CDS5)
- time
- 16:30 〜 18:30
- IHTC15-9002/CDS-J-231
- Study of the Vapor SuperheaT Effect on Heat Transfer in Plate Heat Exchanger Based on Infrared Thermography
Kifah Sarraf, Stephane Launay, Lounès Tadrist (Aix-Marseille University, France)
- IHTC15-8896/CDS-J-232
- Electric-Field-Enhanced Jumping-Droplet Condensation
Nenad Miljkovic, Daniel J. Preston (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Ryan Enright (Bell Labs, USA), Evelyn N. Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-9082/CDS-J-233
- Study on the Compact Steam Dump Device Development for the Damage Reduction of the Condenser Tube
HyunSoo Kim, Won-Seok Kim, Jong-Wook Lee (BHI.CO.,LTD., Korea)
- IHTC15-8916/CDS-J-234
- Parameter Comparison of Condensation Heat Transfer of R134a Outside Horizontal Low-Finned Tubes
Ding-cai Zhang (Zhongyuan University of Technology, China), Wen-tao Ji (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China), Jia-di Du, Zhen Zhang, Xiao-wei Fan (Zhongyuan University of Technology, China), Ya-Ling He, Wen-Quan Tao (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9161/CDS-J-235
- Analysis of the Condensate Carryover Phenomenon on Fin and Tube Evaporators
Emilio Navarro-Peris, Jose Corberan, Jose Gonzálvez-Maciá (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain), Miguel Zamora (CIAT, Spain)
- IHTC15-9296/CDS-J-236
- Effect of Hydrocarbon Adsorption on the Wetting of Rare Earth Oxides
Daniel J. Preston, Nenad Miljkovic, Jean Sack (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Ryan Enright (Bell Labs, USA), John Queeney, Evelyn N Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Room K
Energy conversion and storage (ECS)
- time
- 09:40 〜 11:20
- IHTC15-9174/ECS-K-211
- Study on the Improvement of the Performance of a Novel Adsorption Heat Pump System for Generating High-temperature Steam
Koichi Nakaso, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Shotaro Eshima, Jun Fukai (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9820/ECS-K-212
- Benchmark Numerical Simulations of Solar Thermoelectric Generators
Shenghui Lei, Ronan Frizzell, Ryan Enright (Bell Labs, USA)
- IHTC15-9326/ECS-K-213
- Efficient Utilization of the Electrodes in a Redox Flow Battery by Modifying Flow Field and Electrode Morphology
Shohji Tsushima, Fumiya Kondo, Sho Sasaki, Shuichiro Hirai (Tokyo Institute of technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8552/ECS-K-214
- Experimentally Determined Thermal Parameters of an Energy Conversion Device Using a Constraint Least Square Parameter Estimation Method Coupled with an Analytical Thermal Mode
Jonathan Hey (Imperial College London, UK), Adam Malloy (EVO Electric Ltd.), Ricardo Martinez-Botas (Imperial College London), Michael Lamperth (EVO Electric Ltd., UK)
- IHTC15-9402/ECS-K-215
- Effect of Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Thermochemical Energy Storage Material on Unused Heat Utilization System
Yukitaka Kato, Massimiliano Zamengo (Tokyo Institute of technology, Japan), Keiko Fujioka (Functional Fluids Ltd., Japan)
Energy efficiency (EEF1)
- time
- 14:00 〜 15:20
- IHTC15-8661/EEF-K-221
- Pilot Test And Model Analysis Of Plastic Heat Exchanger For Flue Gas Heat Recovery
Lin Chen, Xiaoze Du, Jiangtao Liang, Yingying Sun, Lijun Yang, Gang Xu (North China Electric Power University, China)
- IHTC15-8390/EEF-K-222
- Thermo-Electricity Analogy Method for Computing Transient Heat Transfer In a New Reciprocating Finned Piston Compressor
Mahbod Heidari (EPFL | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Kiarash Gharibdoust (EPFL|LSM, Switzerland), Alfred Rufer (EPFL, Switzerland), John Richard Thome (EPFL|LTCM, Switzerland)
- IHTC15-9767/EEF-K-223
- Heat Transfer Analysis of Blast Furnace Tuyere through CFD Simulation
Yan Chen, Bin Wu, Xingjian Chen, Anfani Okosun, Dong Fu (Center for Innovation through Visualization and Simulation, USA), Thomas R. Hensler, Donald Zuke, Sergey Trenkinshu (ArcelorMittal, USA), Chenn Q. Zhou (Center for Innovation through Visualization and Simulation, USA)
- IHTC15-9020/EEF-K-224
- Entransy Based Optimization on Data Center Cooling Process and Its Application
Hao Tian, Zhen Li, Zhiguang He (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China)
Energy efficiency (EEF2)
- time
- 16:30 〜 17:50
- IHTC15-8843/EEF-K-231
- Treated Aluminum as Highly Reflective Facade Materials for Energy-Efficient Buildings
Takeshi Ihara, Tao Gao, Arild Gustavsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Bjørn Petter Jelle (SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Norway)
- IHTC15-9681/EEF-K-232
- Application of Micro-Channel Heat Exchanger in Refrigerated Display Cabinet
Chengcheng Tian (China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute CO.LTD, China), Hongqi Li (Beijing University of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8632/EEF-K-233
- Energy Efficient Cooling of Switch Cabinets Using Optimized Internal Settings
Wolfgang Heidemann, Christian Staub, Klaus Spindler (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- IHTC15-8995/EEF-K-234
- A Numerical Solution Algorithm for a Heat and Mass Transfer Model of a Desalination System Based on Packed-Bed Humidification and Bubble Column dehumidification
Karim Chehayeb (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Farah Cheaib (American University of Beirut, USA), John Lienhard V (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Wednesday, August 13 (Day 3)
Room B1
Flow Boiling (FBL3)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9867/FBL-B1-311
- A Study on Post-CHF Heat Transfer at Near-Critical Pressure.
Takashi Mawatari, Hideo Mori (Kyushu University, Japan), Keishi Kariya (Saga University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9840/FBL-B1-312
- Effect of Heat Transfer Surface Structure on Boiling Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics in a Horizontal Narrow Channel
Hitoshi Asano, Junpei Yoshidome, Taisaku Gomyo (Kobe University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9214/FBL-B1-313
- Boiling Investigation in the Microchannel with Nano-Particles Coating
Yuri Kuzma-Kichta (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia), Aleksandr Leontyev (Bauman State Technical University, Russia), Aleksandr Lavrikov (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia), Mikhail Shustov (MPEI, Russia), Koichi Suzuki (Tokyo University of Science-Yamaguchi, Japan)
- IHTC15-9072/FBL-B1-314
- Flow Boiling under Microgravity Conditions Comparative Study of Two Experimental Data Sets
Marine Narcy (Institute of Fluid Mechanics of Toulouse, France), Alexander Scammell (University of Maryland, USA), Catherine Colin (Institute of Fluid Mechanics of Toulouse, France), Jungho Kim (University of Maryland, USA)
- IHTC15-9333/FBL-B1-315
- Micro Liquid Film Heat Transfer and Critical Heat Flux of Flow Boiling in Micro-Channels
Yu Yan Jiang, Tao Wang, Zhicheng Wang, Dawei Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Pool Boiling (PBL1)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9284/PBL-B1-321
- Numerical Simulation of Pool Boiling from Artificial Cavities Using the Phase Field Method
Aravind Sathyanarayana, Yogendra Joshi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-8590/PBL-B1-322
- Numerical Simulation of Boiling from a Single Reentrant-Cavity
Jochen Dietl, Peter Stephan (Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany)
- IHTC15-8851/PBL-B1-323
- Direct Numerical Simulations of Subcooled Boiling Phenomena Based on Non-empirical Boiling and Condensation Model
Yasuo Ose (Yamato System Engineer Co. Ltd., Japan), Tomoaki Kunugi (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8911/PBL-B1-324
- Numerical Simulation on Bubble Growth Process and Heat Transfer Characteristics with Microlayer Evaporation in Nucleate Boiling for Water
Zhihao Chen, Yoshio Utaka (Yokohama National University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9631/PBL-B1-325
- Effect of Surface Wettability on Subcooled Boiling Heat Transfer
Yasushi Saito, Daisuke Ito (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8817/PBL-B1-326
- Boiling Heat Transfer Theory: To Overcome Historical Deadlock
Irakli G. Shekriladze (Georgian Technical University, Georgia)
Room B2
Two-phase, Flow Behaviour (TPF1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8981/TPF-B2-311
- Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Behavior in a Sharp Return Bend Using Capacitive Measurements
Kathleen De Kerpel, Michel De Paepe (Ghent University - Ugent, Belgium)
- IHTC15-9810/TPF-B2-312
- Non-Equilibrium Discharging Flow From Safety Valves
Yoshihiko Kitagawa, Sachiyo Horiki, Masahiro Osakabe (Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8971/TPF-B2-313
- Visualization of Ammonia Boiling Flow Phenomena Inside Narrow Flat Plates
Hirofumi Arima, Fumiya Mishima, Kohei Koyama, Yasuyuki Ikegami (Saga University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8720/TPF-B2-314
- Dynamic Flow Structures in the Wakes of Sliding Bubbles for Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement
Rudi O'Reilly Meehan (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Brian Donnelly (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Ireland), Tim Persoons, Darina Murray (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- IHTC15-8927/TPF-B2-315
- Structure of Two-Phase Swirl Flow in Various Channels
Anatoly Yakovlev, Stanislav Tarasevich, Andrey Shishkin (Kazan National Research Technical University, Russia)
Two-phase, Flow Behaviour (TPF2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 11:50
- IHTC15-9876/TPF-B2-321
- Correlation of Transition Boundaries to and from Annular Flow Regime of Ammonia Evaporating Inside a Horizontal Internally Spirally Grooved Tube
Satoru Momoki (Nagasaki University, Japan), Hirofumi Arima (Saga University, Japan), Yasuto Takashiba, Tomohiko Yamaguchi, Soichi Sasaki (Nagasaki University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9376/TPF-B2-322
- Effect of Flow Pattern on Critical Heat Flux
Takeyuki Ami, Goshi Yamashina, Hisashi Umekawa, Mamoru Ozawa (Kansai University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9005/TPF-B2-323
- A Phenomenological Model of Dryout With Circumferentially Varying Heat Flux
Jonathan Manning, Geoffrey Hewitt, Simon Walker (Imperial College London, UK)
- IHTC15-9023/TPF-B2-324
- Study on High-Void Fraction Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Tube Bundle
Yoshiyuki Kondo, Ling Cheng, Seiho Utsumi, Takashi Ueno, Ryoichi Kawakami, Kengo Shimamura (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan)
Room C1
Impinging jet (IPJ)
- time
- 08:20 〜 9:40
- IHTC15-9035/IPJ-C1-311
- Heat Transfer Measurements from Concave and Convex Surfaces with a Fully Developed Confined Impinging Slot Jet
Seong Jung Kim, Yeong Hwan Kim, Hyun Jin Park, Dae Hee Lee (Inje University, Republic of Korea), Phillip Ligrani (Saint Louis University, USA)
- IHTC15-8838/IPJ-C1-312
- Transient Flow and Thermal Performance of Integrated Deflector under Periodic Supersonic Flame Impingement
JiaJie Zhang, Zhiguo Qu, RuiPeng Fu, YaLing He (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9047/IPJ-C1-313
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow Behind a Sphere Moving Vertically in a Stratified Fluid
Shinsaku Akiyama, Shota Nakamura, Shinya Okino, Hideshi Hanazaki (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9385/IPJ-C1-314
- Heat transfer Enhancement for Row of Impinging Jets in Cross-Flow with Some Baffle Attachments
Rattanakorn Pansang, Makatar Wae-hayee, Passakorn Vessakosol, Chayut Nuntadusit (Prince of Songkla University, Thailand)
Renewable energy (RNE)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8834/RNE-C1-321
- Numerical Assessment and Optimization of Wind Farm on Complex Terrain
MengXuan Song, BingHeng Wu, Kai Chen, ZhongYang He, Xing Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9869/RNE-C1-322
- Numerical Modelling of Combined Natural Convection and Surface Radiation Heat Transfer in Cavity Receiver with Plate Fins
Lloyd Ngo (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Tunde Bello-Ochende (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Josua Meyer (Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-8963/RNE-C1-323
- Prediction of the First Pyrolysis Product and Yield in Biomass Gasifier
Yukihiko Okumura (Maizuru National College of Technology, Japan), Takuya Okada, Ken Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9817/RNE-C1-324
- A Numerical Study on Bed Temperature and Gasifying Agent Effetcs on the Sugarcane Bagasse Gasification Process
Gabriel Verissimo, Jean de Pinho, Albino Leiroz, Manuel Ernani Cruz (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro — UFRJ, Brazil)
- IHTC15-8989/RNE-C1-325
- Optimal Sizing of Heat Exchangers for Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) Based on Thermo-Economics
Steven Lecompte, Martijn van den Broek, Michel De Paepe (Ghent University, Belgium)
- IHTC15-9916/RNE-C1-326
- Anatical Solution of Nanofluid Volumetric Receiver
Seung-Hyun Lee, Hyun Jin Kim, Yong-Jun Park, Kyu Han Kim, Seok Pil Jang (Korea Aerospace University, Korea)
Room C2
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE3)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-8750/HTE-C2-311
- A Numerical Study of Fluid and Heat Transfer Performance of Heat Exchangers with Novel Short-Circuit Prevention Helical Baffles
Wenjing Du, Hongfu Wang, Gongming Xin (Shandong University, China), Shusheng Zhang (Shandong JiaoTong University, China), Lin Cheng (Shandong University, China)
- IHTC15-9424/HTE-C2-312
- Numerical Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Different Distributed Corrugated Tube Bundles
Wei Shao, Bing-xi Li, Hao Wu, Ya-ning Zhang, Zhi Xu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8727/HTE-C2-313
- Mathematical Derivation on Heat Transfer Improvement of the Air-Cooled Condenser Cell in a Power Plant
Hui Zhang, Haocheng Zhou, Yujin Yue, Lijun Yang, Xiaoze Du, Yongping Yang (North China Electric Power University, China)
- IHTC15-9931/HTE-C2-314
- Analysis on Optimal Configuration of Air-Foil Shaped Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Power Cycle
Sungho Yoon (KINAC, Republic of Korea), Jingyu Kwon, Taeho Kim, Hyunsun Park (POSTECH, Republic of Korea), Moohwan Kim (KINS, Republic of Korea)
- IHTC15-8719/HTE-C2-315
- Correlations for Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Serrated and Solid Fin Tube Bundles
Anna Holfeld, Erling Næss (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
- IHTC15-8867/HTE-C2-316
- Model-Based Optimization of Three-Dimensional Complex Structure for Heat Transfer Enhancement in Single-Phase Flows
Yosuke Hasegawa, Naoki Shikazono (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE4)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9180/HTE-C2-321
- Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of a Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger in a CO2-H2O Heat Exchange Process under Different Mass Flow Rates
Xiangyang Xu, Ting Ma, Lei Li, Min Zeng, Qiuwang Wang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Yitung Chen (University of Nevada, USA)
- IHTC15-9262/HTE-C2-322
- Heat Transfer Characteristics in Forced Convection Through a Rectangular Channel with V-Shaped Rib Roughened Surfaces
Damiano Fustinoni, Pasqualino Gramazio, Luigi Colombo, Alfonso Niro (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
- IHTC15-8718/HTE-C2-323
- Influence of the Fin Type and Base Tube Diameter of Serrated and Solid-Fin Tubes on the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance
Anna Holfeld, Erling Næss (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
- IHTC15-8827/HTE-C2-324
- Heat Transfer Enhancement in Heat Exchanger with Dimpled/ Protruded Surface
Tsz Kit Tang, Ann Lee (University of New South Wales, Australia), Guan Heng Yeoh (University of New South Wales ,ANSTO, Australia)
- IHTC15-9864/HTE-C2-325
- Pool Boiling of Hydrocarbon Mixture in Kettle-Reboiler with Low-Finned Tubes
Elise Estiot, Carsten Richardt (Linde AG - Engineering Division, Germany)
- IHTC15-9299/HTE-C2-326
- In-Tube Convective Heat Transfer Charateristics of Co2-Hydrate Mixture
Hanvit Park, Rin Yun (Hanbat National University, South Korea)
Room F
Forced Convection (FCV6)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8378/FCV-F-311
- Influence of Local Flow Acceleration on the Heat Transfer of Submerged and Free-Surface Jet Impingement
Wilko Rohlfs, Claas Ehrenpreis, Herman Haustein, Oliver Garbrecht, Reinhold Kneer (RWTH Aachen Univeristy, Germany)
- IHTC15-9295/FCV-F-312
- Thermo-Hydrody Amic Characteristics Of Magetothermal Wind Created In A Tube In Gravitational And Nongravitational Fields
Taku Okitsu, Masato Akamatsu (Yamagata University, Japan), Masayuki Kaneda (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8548/FCV-F-313
- Heat and Mass Transfer in a Single-Channel Plate Membrane Contactor with a Combined Counter/Cross-Flow Arrangement
Simin Huang, Minlin Yang, Frank G.F. Qin, Yongjun Xu, Yuanzhi Zuo, Xiaoxi Yang (Dongguan unviersity of technology, China)
- IHTC15-8711/FCV-F-314
- Development of an Empirical Model for Convective Evaporation of Sessile Droplets of Volatile Fluids
Florian Carle, David Brutin (Aix Marseille University, France)
- IHTC15-8736/FCV-F-315
- Behavior and Optimization of Spray Humidification inside Air-Cooled Condenser of Power Generating Unit
Liehui Xiao, Xinming Xi, Xiaoze Du, Lijun Yang (North China Electric Power University, China)
Forced Convection (FCV7)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8418/FCV-F-321
- A Uniform Temperature Heat Sink for Cooling of High Concentrator Photo-Voltaic Systems
Gad Hetsroni (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel), Avram Bar-Cohen (University of Maryland, USA)
- IHTC15-8684/FCV-F-322
- Numerical Study of Conjugate Heat Transfer of Supercritical Kerosene Flow in Rectangular Cooling Channel
Fengquan Zhong, Guoxin Dang, Yunfei Xing, Lihong Chen, Xinyu Chang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-9266/FCV-F-323
- Determination of Convective Heat Transfer for Subsonic Flows over Heated Asymmetric Airfoil NACA 4412
Yusuf Dag (Southern University and A&M College, USA), Stephen Akwaboa, Patrick Mensah (Southern University, USA)
- IHTC15-8461/FCV-F-324
- Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Low Concentrations CuO-Water Nanofluid in the Turbulent Flow Regime Based on Artificial Intelligence Models
Mehdi Mehrabi, Mohsen Sharifpur, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9814/FCV-F-325
- Heat Transfer Processes in Film Casting of Compressible Polymers
Juan Ramos (Universidad de Malaga, Spain)
- IHTC15-9154/FCV-F-326
- Convection-Radiation Interaction in Eccentric Annulus Using the Coupled Lattice Boltzmann and Meshless Method
Kang Luo, Zhi-hong Cao, Hong-Liang Yi, He-Ping Tan (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Room G
Materials and foods processing (MFP)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8844/MFP-G-311
- The Contact Heat Transfer in Rotary Drums in Dependence on the Particle Size Ratio
Aainaa Izyan Nafsun, Fabian Herz, Eckehard Specht (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany), Viktor Scherer, Siegmar Wirtz, Hendrik Komossa (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
- IHTC15-9321/MFP-G-312
- Fundamental Study of Agglomeration Control of Metallic Nano-Particles by Thermal Treatment
Takushi Saito, Tatsuya Kawaguchi, Isao Satoh (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8383/MFP-G-313
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of Phosphor Dispensing Process in Light Emitting Diode Packaging by Lattice Boltzmann Method
Lan Li, Huai Zheng, Chao Yuan, Xingjian Yu, Xiaobing Luo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8715/MFP-G-314
- Numerical Investigation of Cooling in the Continuous Fiber Glass Drawing Process
Quentin Chouffart (University of Liège, Belgium), Philippe Simon (3B - The Fibreglass Company, Belgium), Vincent E. Terrapon (University of Liège, Belgium)
- IHTC15-8601/MFP-G-315
- Optimization of the Chemical Vapor Deposition Process for Gallium Nitride
Pradeep George (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE), Jiandong Meng, Yogesh Jaluria (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA)
Air conditioning and refrigeration (ACR)
- time
- 10:30 〜 11:50
- IHTC15-8563/ACR-G-321
- Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Active Magnetic Regenerator in Magnetic Refrigeration System
Min Soo Kim, Keon Kuk, Ilju Mun (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea)
- IHTC15-8940/ACR-G-322
- Experimental Study of Ground Source Heat Pumps That Use the Direct Expansion Method
Tetsuaki Takeda, Daiki Yokoyama, Akio Ohashi, Syuhei Ishiguro, Shumpei Funatani, Koichi Ichimiya (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
- IHTC15-9310/ACR-G-323
- Prediction Modeling of Automobile Dynamic Thermal Load
Jianghong Wu (School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering), Hang Song (University of Southern California, USA), Chaopeng Liu (School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering)
- IHTC15-9534/ACR-G-324
- Development of All Aluminum Microchannel Heat Exchanger for Air-Conditioner
Hirokazu Fujino, Toshimitsu Kamada, Satoshi Inoue (DAIKIN INDUSTRIES,LTD., Japan)
Room H
Numerical simulation (NSM1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9037/NSM-H-311
- Heat and Mass Transfer Modelling of an Industrial Autoclave to Minimise Steam Consumption
Wei L. Lau, John A. Reizes, Victoria Timchenko, Sami Kara, Bernard J. Kornfeld (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- IHTC15-8447/NSM-H-312
- Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Tube Filled with a Porous Medium: Influence of the Thermal Conductivity of the Porous Medium
Tingzhen Ming, Yong X. Tao (University of North Texas, USA)
- IHTC15-9182/NSM-H-313
- Molecular Simulation of the Dynamic Process of Water Vapor Absorption into Aqueous LiBr Solution with or without Alcohol Surfactants
Hongtao Gao (University of Nottingham, UK), Beibei Zhu, Yuying Yan (Dalian Maritime University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9196/NSM-H-314
- Comparative Study on Simulation of Convective Al2O3-Water and ZrO2-Water Nanofluid by Using ANSYS-FLUENT
Mostafa Mahdavi, Mohsen Sharifpur, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa.)
- IHTC15-8760/NSM-H-315
- Effect of Material Thermal-Physical Parameters on Weld Pool and Residual Stress Peak Value
LiGe Tong, Lei Li (University of Science & Technology Beijing, P. R. China), Fang Bai (China Petroleum Pipeline College, P. R. China), Shaowu Yin, Li Wang (University of Science & Technology Beijing, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9069/NSM-H-316
- Comparison of Preconditioned Density-Based Algorithm with Pressure-Velocity Correction Algorithm for Incompressible Convection
Chun Shen (Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China), Fengxian Sun (Harbin Engineering University, P. R. China), Xinlin Xia (Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China)
Numerical simulation (NSM2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9811/NSM-H-321
- Towards High-Performance Thermal Flow Solvers based on the Link-Wise Artificial Compressibility Method
Christian Obrecht, Frédéric Kuznik, Gilles Rusaouën, Jean-Jacques Roux (CETHIL UMR 5008, France)
- IHTC15-8812/NSM-H-322
- Asymmetric Transition for High Froude Number Plane Fountains in Linearly Stratified Fluids
Mohammad Ilias Inam (James Cook University, Australia), Wenxian Lin (James Cook University, Australia , Yunnan Normal University, China), Steven W. Armfield (The University of Sydney, Australia), Yinghe He (James Cook University, Australia)
- IHTC15-9729/NSM-H-323
- Unified Integral Transforms in Single Domain Formulation for Internal Flow Three-Dimensional Conjugated Problems
Diego C. Knupp (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Carolina Palma Naveira-Cotta (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Renato M. Cotta (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9521/NSM-H-324
- Assessment of Three Coalescence and Breakage Kernel Models on Predicting Complex Bubbly Flow
Xinyue Duan, Liang Gong (China University of Petroleum, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-8783/NSM-H-325
- Numerical Investigation on Conjugated Heat Transfer of Conduction in Wall and Mixed Convection in Horizontal Square Tube with Molten Salts
Chao Wang, Yu-Ting Wu, Cong Chen, Bin Liu, Chong-Fang Ma (Beijing University of Technology, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9371/NSM-H-326
- Comparison of Turbulence Models in Simulating a Cruciform Impinging Jet on a Flat Wall
Florin Bode (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Kodjovi Sodjavi, Amina Meslem (University of La Rochelle, France), Ilinca Nastase (Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest)
Room I
Porous media (PMD1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8405/PMD-I-311
- Thermal Conductivity of Ceramic Sponges at Temperatures up to 1000 ツーC
Benjamin Dietrich, Thomas Fischedick, Martin Wallenstein, Matthias Kind (Institute of Thermal Process Engineering, Germany)
- IHTC15-8278/PMD-I-312
- One Dimensional Thermal Analysis of Solar Air Receiver Using Silicon Carbide Ceramic Foam
Fengwu Bai (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-8530/PMD-I-313
- Temperature Evolution of Evacuated Tube Adsorption Bed Heated by Solar Radiation
Chun-Xu Du, Zhong-Xian Yuan, Xiao-Huang Hou, Feng Xin, Dong-Dong Gao, Yong-Chang Chen (Beijing university of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8893/PMD-I-314
- Heat and Mass Transfer Model of a Packed-Bed Reactor for Solar Thermochemical CO2 Capture
Leanne Reich (University of Minnesota, USA), Roman Bader (The Australian National University, Australia), Terrence Simon (University of Minnesota, USA), Wojciech Lipinski (The Australian National University, Australia)
- IHTC15-8657/PMD-I-315
- Evaluation of Gas Production Behavior from Hydrate-Bearing Sediments with Different Thermal Properties by Depressurization
Yongchen Song, Zihao Zhu, Jiafei Zhao, Chuanxiao Cheng, Di Liu, Lei Yang, Jiaqi Wang (Dalian university of technology, China)
- IHTC15-9191/PMD-I-316
- Identification of the Radiative Properties of α-SiC Foams Realistically Designed With A Numerical Generator
Simon Guevelou, Benoit Rousseau (UMR CNRS 6607 Laboratoire de Thermocinetique de Nantes), Gilberto Domingues (UMR CNRS 7343, Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels, Marseille,), Jerome Vicente (Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels, France), Cyril Caliot, Gilles Flamant (Laboratoire des Procédés, Matériaux et Energie Solaire, France)
Porous media (PMD2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8575/PMD-I-321
- A Rigorous Derivation and its Applications of Volume Averaged Transport Equations for Heat Transfer in Nanofluid Saturated Metal Foams
Fumika Sakai (Nihon Sekkei Kogyo Co., Ltd., Japan), Wenhao Li (Shizuoka University, Japan), Akira Nakayama (Shizuoka University, Japan, Wuhan Polytechnic University, China)
- IHTC15-8782/PMD-I-322
- Effective Thermal Conductivity of Metal Foams: Experiments and Analysis
Peng Yue (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Lin Qiu, Xinghua Zheng, Dawei Tang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-8831/PMD-I-323
- Evaluation of the Thermal Hydraulic Performance of Round Tube Metal Foam Heat Exchangers for HVAC Applications
Henk Huisseune, Sven De Schampheleire, Bernd Ameel, Michel De Paepe (Ghent University, Belgium)
- IHTC15-8865/PMD-I-324
- Comparison of Aluminium Foam Finned Heat Sinks and Effect of Painting and Orientation in Buoyancy-Driven Convection
Sven De Schampheleire, Kathleen De Kerpel, Gerben Kennof, Pieter Pirmez, Henk Huisseune, Michel De Paepe (Ghent University, Belgium)
- IHTC15-9734/PMD-I-325
- Influence of Strut Shape and Porosities on Geometrical Properties and Effective Thermal Conductivity of Kelvin Like Anisotropic Metal Foams
Prashant Kumar, Frederic Topin (IUSTI CNRS UMR 7343)
- IHTC15-9841/PMD-I-326
- An Improved Capillary Bundle Model by Using Tortuosity and Parameters Extracted from Pore Network Model
Xinhuan Zhou, Lanlan Jiang, Lingyu Chen, Yu Liu, Yongchen Song, Meiheriayi Mutailipu (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Room J
Radiation (RAD1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8207/RAD-J-311
- Effect of Processing Temperature on Radiative Properties of Polypropylene and Heat Transfer in the Pure and Glassfibre Reinforced Polymer
Donia Hakoume (Laboratoire de Thermocinétique de Nantes, France), Leonid Dombrovsky (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Krasnokazarmennaya, Russia), Didier Delaunay, Benoit Rousseau (Laboratoire de Thermocinétique de Nantes, France)
- IHTC15-8214/RAD-J-312
- Radiative Heat Transfer Modeling in Supersonic Gas Flow with Suspended Particles to a Blunt Body
Leonid Dombrovsky (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russia), Dmitry Reviznikov (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-9012/RAD-J-313
- Prediction of the Resonance Condition of Metamaterial Emitters and Absorbers Using LC Circuit Model
Atsushi Sakurai (Niigata University, Japan), Bo Zhao, Zhuomin Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-9222/RAD-J-314
- The Micro-Macro Model for Transient Radiative Transfer Simulations
Maxime Roger (Centre de Thermique de Lyon (CETHIL) CNRS, France), Nicolas Crouseilles (INRIA-Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique, France), Pedro J. Coelho (Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- IHTC15-9382/RAD-J-315
- Numerical Study of the Effects of Surface Micro-Roughness on the Optical Constants of Aluminum Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Wenjie Zhang, Jiayue Yang, Linhua Liu (Harbin Institute of technology, China)
- IHTC15-8268/RAD-J-316
- Absorption of Short-Pulsed Laser Radiation in Superficial Human Tissues: Transient vs Quasi-Steady Radiative Transfer
Jaona Randrianalisoa (The University of Reims, France), Leonid Dombrovsky (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Krasnokazarmennaya, Russia), Wojciech Lipinski (Australian National University, Australia), Victoria Timchenko (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
Radiation (RAD2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8771/RAD-J-321
- Radiation Enhancement by Metal Film on Micro Cavities in Resin
Tsuyoshi Totani, Toshio Irokawa (Hokkaido University, Japan), Minoru Iwata (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Masashi Wakita, Harunori Nagata (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8871/RAD-J-322
- Study of Amorphous Silicon Gratings with Disorder for Solar Energy Absorbers
Xing Fang, Changying Zhao, Hua Bao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
- IHTC15-9636/RAD-J-323
- Thermal Radiation Characteristics in Sub-micron Region for MEMS Space Radiator
Ai Ueno, Yuji Suzuki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-9384/RAD-J-324
- First-Principles Study on Electronic Band Structure and Optical Constants of Synthesized Si3Al(AsxP1-x) Alloys
Jiayue Yang, Linhua Liu (Harbin Institute of technology, China), Jianyu Tan (Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, China)
- IHTC15-9188/RAD-J-325
- Reducing Thermal Radiation Between Parallel Plates in the Far-to-Near Field Transition Regime
Yoichiro Tsurimaki, Pierre-Olivier Chapuis, Rodolphe Vaillon (Centre de Thermique de Lyon (CETHIL, CNRS/INSA Lyon/UCBL), France), Junnosuke Okajima, Atsuki Komiya, Shigenao Maruyama (Tohoku University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8521/RAD-J-326
- A Direct Numerical Simulation for Influence of Roughness on Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer between Two Films
Yong Chen (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China), Yimin Xuan (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
Room K
Plasma (PLS)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9138/PLS-K-311
- 3D Numerical Simulation of Buoyancy Driven Flow in a Cubical Enclosure with Different Wall Conductivities
Narendra Gajbhiye (IIT Kanpur, India), Praveen Throvagunta (Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, India), Vinayak Eswaran (Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, India)
- IHTC15-9408/PLS-K-312
- Integrated Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Keyhole Welding with Plasma Arc
Yan Li, Yanhui Feng, Yafei Li, Xinxin Zhang (University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China), Chuansong Wu (Shandong University, China)
- IHTC15-8815/PLS-K-313
- Thermoelectric Properties of ZnNiO/Polyparaphenylene Hybrids Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
Zihua Wu, Huaqing Xie, Lianghua Gan, Jun Liu (Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9541/PLS-K-314
- Application of an Integrated CFD Model to Aluminum Nanoparticle Production
Silvania Lopes (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium), Pierre Proulx (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada), Jean-Baptiste Gouriet, Patrick Rambaud (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium)
- IHTC15-9897/PLS-K-315
- A Comparison of Methane Hydrate Decomposition Using Radio Frequency Plasma and Microwave Plasma Methods
Ismail Rahim, Shinfuku Nomura, Shinobu Mukasa, Hiromichi Toyota (Ehime University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9415/PLS-K-316
- Two Successive Thermal Inverse Problems Solved for Plasma Facing Components Inside JET Tokamak: Estimation of Surface Heat Flux and Thermal Resistance of a Surface Carbon Layer
Jonathan Gaspar, Fabrice Rigollet, Jean-Laurent Gardarein, Christophe Le Niliot (IUSTI Laboratory, France), Yann Corre (CEA IRFM Laboratory, France)
Thermoelectric devices (TEL)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9360/TEL-K-321
- Thermoelectric Properties of Polymer-Semiconductor-Polymer Molecular Junction
Yuanyuan Wang, Huaqing Xie (Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, China)
- IHTC15-8966/TEL-K-322
- Evaporation of a Water Droplet Deposited on a Nano-Patterned Transparent Film Fabricated by UV Nanoimprint
Noriyuki Unno, Motoharu Asano, Shin-ichi Satake, Jun Taniguchi (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
- IHTC15-9096/TEL-K-323
- Thermal Transport Properties of PEDOT-PSS Thin Films
Harutoshi Hagino (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan), Masahiro Hokazono, Hiroaki Anno, Naoki Toshima (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi, Japan), Koji Miyazaki (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9996/TEL-K-324
- Experimental Investigations on the Performance of a Thermoelectric Device with an Integrated Heat Exchanger and Flow Channels
Matthew Barry, Kenechi Agbim, Krishna Reddy, Minking K. Chyu (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- IHTC15-8789/TEL-K-325
- Design Optimization of Automobile Exhaust Thermoelectric Generator for Waste Heat Recovery
Zhiqiang Niu, Qianshan Li, Wangbo He, Yongzhan Huo, Kui Jiao (Tianjin University, China)
- IHTC15-8931/TEL-K-326
- The Optimization of Thermoelectric Module Size in a Waste Heat Power Generation System
Wei He, Shixue Wang, Chi Lu, Yanzhe Li, Xing Zhang (Tianjin University, China)
Thursday, August 14 (Day 4)
Room B1
Pool Boiling (PBL2)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9265/PBL-B1-411
- Highly Subcooled Water Boiling: Some New Details of the Process
Konstantin Khodakov, Yury Zeigarnik (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russia)
- IHTC15-9568/PBL-B1-412
- Study on Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer by Measuring Instantaneous Surface Temperature Distribution by Infrared Radiation Camera
Yasuo Koizumi, Kazuki Takahashi (Shinshu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9914/PBL-B1-413
- Pore-Scale Experimental Study of Boiling in Porous Media
Paul Sapin, Paul Duru (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France), Florian Fichot (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), France), Marc Prat, Michel Quintard (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France)
- IHTC15-9772/PBL-B1-414
- Boiling Behaviors on a Vertical Surface in Saturated Pool Boiling at High Pressures
Hiroto Sakashita (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9048/PBL-B1-415
- Local Heat Removal by Liquid Film on the Expansion of Dry Area on a Superheated Copper Wall
Yoshihiko Haramura (Kanagawa University, Japan)
Pool Boiling (PBL3)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:10
- IHTC15-8680/PBL-B1-421
- Characteristic Behavior of Boiling Bubble Initiation Under High Pressure Conditions
Seiichi Yokobori, Keisuke Yasumi, Sayaka Akiyama (Tokyo City University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8795/PBL-B1-422
- The Influence of Single Bubble Growth and Bubble Coalescence on Boiling Heat Transfer
Axel Sielaff, Peter Stephan (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
- IHTC15-9102/PBL-B1-423
- Nucleation Incipience on a Heated Surface: Effect of Pressure Oscillations
Laetitia Leal (Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada), Pascal Lavieille, Marc Miscevic (Université de Toulouse, France), Fredéric Topin, Lounès Tadrist (Université de Provence, France)
- IHTC15-9404/PBL-B1-424
- Experimental Study of Transport Phenomena at the Onset of Nucleate Boiling Using a Boilingmeter
Mohammed Zamoum (Université M'hamed Bougara, Algérie), Benoît Dubrac, Flora Goepper (Lorraine University, France), Lounès Tadrist (Aix-Marseille Université, France), Hervé Combeau (Université de Lorraine Nancy, France), Mohand Kessal (Université M'hamed Bougara, Algérie)
- IHTC15-9320/PBL-B1-425
- Effects of Pool Subcooling on Coalescence Heat Transfer and Bubble Dynamics
Jingliang Bi, David M. Christopher (Tsinghua University, China), Xipeng Lin (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Xuefang Li (Tsinghua University, China)
Room B2
Two-phase, Numerical Simulation (TPN1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 9:40
- IHTC15-8721/TPN-B2-411
- Population Balance Modeling of Air-Water Bubbly Flow in a Vertical U-Bend
Hongye Zhu, Xingtuan Yang, Yichuan Huang, Jiyuan Tu, Shengyao Jiang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9780/TPN-B2-412
- Computational Studies of LNG Evaporation and Heat Diffusion through a LNG Cargo Tank Membrane
Jang Hyun Lee (INHA University, Korea), Yoon Jo Kim (Washington State University Vancouver, USA), Seyun Hwang (INHA University, Korea)
- IHTC15-8564/TPN-B2-413
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Evaluation of the Multi-Nozzle Oil-Jet Lubrication for Rolling Bearings
Wei Wu, Jibin Hu, Shihua Yuan, Xueyuan Li (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9543/TPN-B2-414
- Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Gas Two-Phase Flow with Large Density Difference in Multi-Layered Sintered Wick by the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Tomohiko Yamaguchi (Nagasaki University, Japan), Qian Wan, Yuying Yan, Jiaju Hong (University of Nottingham, UK)
Two-phase, Numerical Simulation (TPN2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:10
- IHTC15-9798/TPN-B2-421
- Numerical Simulation of Condensing and Evaporating Annular Flows in Microchannels with Laminar and Turbulent Liquid Films
Nicolas Antonsen, John Thome (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
- IHTC15-8670/TPN-B2-422
- Numerical Study of the Water Droplet parameters in the Icing Tunnel Test
Wei Dong, Jianjun Zhu, Mei Zheng, Rui Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
- IHTC15-9133/TPN-B2-423
- Numerical Simulation of Reactive Multiphase Flows in Porous Media Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
Fang Xin, Xunfeng Li, Min Xu, Xiulan Huai, Zhendong Cui (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-9595/TPN-B2-424
- Modelling of Fundamental Transfer Processes in Crude-Oil Fouling
Junfeng Yang, Omar Matar, Geoffery Hewitt, Wentian Zheng, Parth Manchanda (Imperial College London, UK)
- IHTC15-8692/TPN-B2-425
- Numerical and Experimental Study of Slug Flow Dynamics in Inclined Pipes with Granular Layer
Dmitry Khramtsov, Dmitry Nekrasov, Boris Pokusaev (Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Russia)
Room C1
Thermodynamics (TDY1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-9370/TDY-C1-411
- A Simulation Study Into the Thermodynamic Properties of Water-Alcohol Mixtures
James Cannon (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Tohru Kawaguchi, Eiichi Okuno (DENSO CORPORATION, Japan), Junichiro Shiomi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-8636/TDY-C1-412
- Prediction of Anisotropic Crystal-Melt Interfacial Free Energy of Sugar Alcohols Through Molecular Simulations
Huaichen Zhang (Eindhoven university of Technology, The Netherlands), Silvia Nedea, Camilo Rindt, Herbert Zondag, David Smeulders (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- IHTC15-8833/TDY-C1-413
- Influence of Form and Thermal Properties of Granular Layer to Subcooled Liquid Boiling Dynamics in Impulse Heat Generation in the Wall
Nikolay Zakharov, Sergey Karlov, Boris Pokusaev (Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Russia)
- IHTC15-8230/TDY-C1-414
- High Resolution Heat Transfer Measurements at the Three Phase Contact Line of a Moving Single Meniscus
Sebastian Fischer, Stefan Batzdorf, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman, Peter Stephan (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
- IHTC15-8349/TDY-C1-415
- Numerical Determination of Autothermal Operation Limits for Beechwood Torrefaction Processes as a Function of Different Operating Parameters
Andreas Ohliger, Reinhold Kneer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- IHTC15-8515/TDY-C1-416
- Notes on Singular Heat Radiation
Reuven Segev (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel), Joe Goddard (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Thermodynamics (TDY2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8482/TDY-C1-421
- Loss Coefficients for Compressible Flows in Conduit Components Under Different Thermal Boundary Conditions
Bastian Schmandt, Heinz Herwig (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
- IHTC15-8583/TDY-C1-422
- Energy Separation of Gases with Prandtl Numbers Unequal to Unity
Alexander Leont'ev, Igor Vigdorovich (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
- IHTC15-9158/TDY-C1-423
- Chimney-Enhanced Natural Convection in Honeycombs
Xiao Hu Yang, Jia Xi Bai, Hong Bin Yan, Tian Jian Lu (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China), Tongbeum Kim (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9184/TDY-C1-424
- Calculating and Assessing Complex Convective Heat Transfer Problems: The CFD-SLA Approach
Christoph Redecker, Heinz Herwig (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
- IHTC15-9847/TDY-C1-425
- Effect of the Fin Height on Unsteady Flows and Heat Transfer in a Differentially Heated Cavity
Jia Ma, Feng Xu (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9966/TDY-C1-426
- Numerical Study on Cooling Performance for Multi-holes Steam Jet in the Internal Channel of a Hollow Turbine Blade
Liang Xu, Shuai Zhang, Wei Wang, Jianmin Gao, Tieyu Gao (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
Room C2
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE5)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-9080/HTE-C2-411
- Heat Transfer Performance of a Channel Flow with Aluminum Fiber Layers (Comparison with Aluminum Porous Foams)
Keita Imai, Mami Yamamoto (Doshisha University, Japan), Masaaki Sakagami (Taisei Kogyo co. ltd., Japan), Mamoru Senda, Kyoji Inaoka (Doshisha University, Japan)
- IHTC15-10554/HTE-C2-412
- Heat Transfer Near Injection Hole by Shock and Boundary Layer Interaction in the Supersonic Flowfield
Namkyu Lee, Jiwoon Song, Ji-Yeul Bae (Yonsei University, Korea), Yoon Goo Kang, Heecheol Ham, Ju Chan Bae (Agency for Defense Development, Korea), Hyung-Hee Cho (Yonsei University, Korea)
- IHTC15-8562/HTE-C2-413
- Non-Similar Heat Transfer Characteristics Associated with Nanofluid Forced Convection Cooling and Heating
Wenhao Li, Akira Nakayama (Shizuoka University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8571/HTE-C2-414
- Heat Transfer Optimization for Reducing Thermal and Flow Resistance
Wei Liu, Hui Jia, Zhichun Liu, Jinguo Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8689/HTE-C2-415
- Thermal Fluid Flow Transport Characteristics in Pipe Flow Using Graphene-Oxide-Nanofluid
Shuichi Torii, Hajime Yoshino (Kumamoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8801/HTE-C2-416
- Heat Transfer Enhancement in Tangential Injection Induced Swirl Flows
Gopinath R. Warrier, Derrick Lloyd (UCLA, USA), Lin Yang (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China), Yuanchen Hu, Vijay K. Dhir, Yongh S. Ju (UCLA, USA)
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE6)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9825/HTE-C2-421
- Evaluation of Herringbone Wavy Fin Based Heat Exchanger for Heat Transfer Enhancement in Automobile Exhaust Energy Harvesting Systems
Jayati Athavale (Graduate Research Assistant), Jaideep Pandit, Srinath Ekkad, Scott Huxtable (Virginia Tech, USA)
- IHTC15-9969/HTE-C2-422
- Natural Convection in an Open-Ended Channel under Staggered Thermal Boundary Conditions. Application to the Control of the Free Cooling in Photovoltaic Doubleskin Facades
Christophe Ménézo (CNRS-INSA-Uviv., France), Stéphanie Giroux-Julien (CETHIL, UMR 5008 CNRS/UCBL/INSA, France), Victoria Timchenko (The University of New South Wales, Australia), Marco Fossa (Universita di Genova, Italy)
- IHTC15-8747/HTE-C2-423
- Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics of SCO2 in a Horizontal Tube at High Reynolds Number
Katsuyoshi Tanimizu, Reza Sadr (Texas A&M University at Qatar, USA), Devesh Ranjan (Texas A&M University, USA)
- IHTC15-8554/HTE-C2-424
- Dynamic and Heat Transfer of Lobed Impinging Jets
Denis Brouilliot, David Lo Jacono (Université Paul Sabatier - Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France)
- IHTC15-8864/HTE-C2-425
- An Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in the Turn Region of a U-Bend Channel with Various Ribs
Chenglong Wang, Lei Wang, Bengt Sunden (Lund University, Sweden)
- IHTC15-8904/HTE-C2-426
- Enhancement of Heat Transfer Performance by Using Sawtooth Fin Structure in the Multiport Microchannel Flat Tube
Ji Zhang, Yanhua Diao, Yaohua Zhao, Yanni Zhang (Beijing University of Technology, China)
Room D
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
Room E
Computational methods (CPM1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9034/CPM-E-411
- A Two-Dimensional Numerical Method for Incompressible Flow Problem Based on SIMPLER Algorithm and Quadtree Grid with Collocated Arrangement
Wei You, Zengyao Li, Wenquan Tao (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9302/CPM-E-412
- Different Approaches to FVM Method Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Simulation Inside Thermosyphon
Marcin Lecki, Grzegorz Gorecki (Lodz University of Technology, UK)
- IHTC15-9342/CPM-E-413
- An HP-Adaptive Predictor-Corrector Split Projection Method for Turbulent Compressible Flow
Xiuling Wang (Purdue University, USA), David B. Carrington (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA), Darrell W. Pepper (University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA)
- IHTC15-9525/CPM-E-414
- Thermal Hydraulic Modeling of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Jose Teixeira (Universidade do Minho, Portugal), Antonio Oliveira (University of Sheffield, UK), Senhorinha Teixeira (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
- IHTC15-9337/CPM-E-415
- Dispersion of High Pressure Underexpanded Helium Jets into the Atmosphere
Xuefang Li, David Crhistopher (Tsinghua University, China)
Computational methods (CPM2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9797/CPM-E-421
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations for Anisotropic Crystal Growth of a Binary Mixture
Amina Younsi (DEN, DM2S, STMF), Alain Cartalade (CEA-Saclay, France), Michel Quintard (Université de Toulouse, France)
- IHTC15-8580/CPM-E-422
- Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer in a Forced Flow of He II
Cyprien Soulaine (IMFT), Michel Quintard (IMFT, CNRS), Hervé Allain (CERN, Switzerland), Bertrand Baudouy (CEA-Saclay, France), Rob van Weelderen (CERN, Switzerland)
- IHTC15-10035/CPM-E-423
- Hilbert Spectral Analysis of Oscillating Forced Convection in Curved Ducts
Fang Liu (Advanced Energy Efficiency LLC, USA)
- IHTC15-8982/CPM-E-424
- 1D and 3D Numerical Simulation of the Reactor Cavity Cooling System of a Very High Temperture Reactor
C.G. du Toit, Pieter Rousseau (North-West University, South Africa), Jisu Jun, Jae-Man Noh (KAERI, Republic of Korea)
- IHTC15-9662/CPM-E-425
- Regimes of Heating and Compression in Magneto-Inertial Fusion
Victor V. Kuzenov (A.Yu. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS), Sergei V. Ryzhkov (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia)
- IHTC15-9724/CPM-E-426
- Oscillatory Instability of Natural Convection of Air in a Laterally Heated Cubic Box
Alexander Gelfgat (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
Room F
Natural Convection (NCV1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-8947/NCV-F-411
- Transition in a Natural Convection Boundary Layer
Yongling Zhao, Chengwang Lei, John Patterson (The University of Sydney, Australia)
- IHTC15-9339/NCV-F-412
- Study on Free Convection Heat Transfer in Finned Tube Array
Ryoji katsuki, Chikako Iwaki, Tsutomu Shioyama, Tadamichi Yanazawa (Toshiba Corporation, Japan)
- IHTC15-9527/NCV-F-413
- Analysis of Heatfunction Boundary Conditions on Invariance of Heat Flow in Square Enclosures with Various Thermal Boundary Conditions
Pratibha Biswal, Tanmay Basak (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
- IHTC15-9258/NCV-F-414
- Natural Convection around a Pulsating Line Heat Source
Mojtaba Jarrahi (University of Paris-Sud, France), Marie-Christine Duluc, Yann Fraigneau (LIMSI CNRS, France), Gérard Defresne (University of Paris-Sud, France)
- IHTC15-8776/NCV-F-415
- Confinement-Induced Enhancements of Heat-Transfer Efficiency and Thermal Plume Coherency in Turbulent Thermal Convection
Ke-Qing Xia, Matthias Kaczorowski, Shi-Di Huang, Kai-Leong Chong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-10004/NCV-F-416
- Interaction of Rayleigh - Benard Convection and Oscillatory Flows
Murat K. Aktas, Semih Cetindag (TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey)
Natural Convection (NCV2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8506/NCV-F-421
- Experimental and Analytical Investigation on Thermal Stratification under Natural Circulation Cooling
Shigeo Kodama (Nuclear Engineering Co. Ltd, Japan), Isao Kataoka, Kenji Yoshida, Takafumi Suga, Kizuku Michii, Takashi Fujisaki (Osaka University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8239/NCV-F-422
- Interferometric Study of the Effect of Insect Screens on Free Convection at a Window Glazing
Daniel Zalcman, Seyed Foroushani, David Naylor (Ryerson University, Canada)
- IHTC15-8531/NCV-F-423
- Conjugate Natural Convection in a Porous Three-Dimensional Enclosure with a Heat Source: a Comparison Study of Different Models
Mikhail Sheremet, Tatyana Trifonova (Tomsk State University, Russia)
- IHTC15-8499/NCV-F-424
- Natural Convective Heat Transfer from an Inclined Isothermal Square Flat Element Mounted in a Flat Adiabatic Surrounding Surface
Patrick H. Oosthuizen (Queens University, Canada)
- IHTC15-9319/NCV-F-425
- Interaction Effects between Surface Radiation and Sub-atmosphere Natural Convection in Multi-Heat Sources Enclosures
Han Wang, Chuang Sun, Xin-Lin Xia, He-Ping Tan (Harbin Insitute of Technology, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-8292/NCV-F-426
- Effect of Direct Liquid Cooling on Light Emitting Diode Local Hot Spots: Natural Convection Immersion Cooling
Enes Tamdogan, Mehmet Arik (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
Room G
Gas turbine (GTB)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-9600/GTB-G-411
- Effect of Swirled Leakage Flow on Endwall Film-Cooling
Matthew Stinson, Richard Goldstein, Terrence Simon (University of Minnesota, USA), Shu Fujimoto, Chiyuki Nakamata (IHI Corporation, Japan)
- IHTC15-8914/GTB-G-412
- Effects of Surface Geometry and Blowing Ratio on Film Cooling Performance at Airfoil Trailing Edge Investigated by Using Large Eddy Simulation
Akira Murata, Ena Mori, Kaoru Iwamoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8457/GTB-G-413
- Effects of Ingestion on the Flow and Heat Transfer in a Rotor-Stator System
Le Wang, Mike Wilson (University of Bath, UK)
- IHTC15-9249/GTB-G-414
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Flow Structure and Liner Wall Temperature in Reverse Flow Combustor
Xuan Gao, Fei Duan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Sengchuan Lim, Meesin Yip (DSO national laboratories, Singapore)
- IHTC15-9553/GTB-G-415
- Blade and Vane Leading Edge Fillet on Endwall Cooling in Linear Turbine Cascades
Gazi Mahmood (University of Pretoria), Sumanta Acharya (Louisiana State University, USA)
- IHTC15-9584/GTB-G-416
- Experimental And Computational Film Cooling With Backward Injection For Cylindrical And Fan-Shaped Holes
Shiou-Jiuan Li, Andrew Chen (Texas A&M University, USA), Wei-Hsiang Wang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Je-Chin Han (Texas A&M University, USA)
Nano/Micro scale measurement and simulation (NMM1)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9485/NMM-G-421
- Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Heterojunction Solar Cells
Kehang Cui, Takaaki Chiba, Shohei Chiashi (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Esko Kauppinen (Aalto University, Japan), Shigeo Maruyama (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-8569/NMM-G-422
- Thermal Performance of a Propilen Glycol/Alumina Nanofluid under Internal Developing Laminar Flow
Pablo Fariñas Alvariño, José María Sáiz Jabardo, Javier García del Valle (A Coruña University, Spain), Ana Soto (Santiago University, Spain)
- IHTC15-9607/NMM-G-423
- Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Bare Carbon Nanotube Films Using the Photoacoustic Technique
Thomas Bougher, Cristal Vasquez, Baratunde Cola (Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia)
- IHTC15-9063/NMM-G-424
- Growth and Applications of Horizontally Aligned Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes
Shohwi Chiashi, Taiki Inoue, Keigo Otsuka, Daisuke Hasegawa, Shigeo Maruyama (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-9642/NMM-G-425
- Monitoring Heat Conduction in Nanostructures with Embedded Planar Defects
Haoxue Han, Yuriy Kosevich, Sebastian Volz (Ecole Centrale Paris – CNRS, France)
- IHTC15-9618/NMM-G-426
- Electrokinetic Focusing of Colloidal Particles by Joule Heating Induced Temperature Gradient in a Convergent-Divergent Microfluidic Structure
Zhengwei Ge, Chun Yang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Room H
Conduction (CND1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9735/CND-H-411
- Understanding of Non-Fourier Conduction Based on Thermon Gas Model
Xiaodong Shan, Moran Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-8466/CND-H-412
- Accuracy of the First Eigenvalue of Heat Conduction Problems Calculated Through Tables and Explicit Approximate Expressions
Sergio Dalmas (Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, Brazil), Luiz Fernando Milanez (University of Campinas - Unicamp, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9021/CND-H-413
- Thermomass-Based General Law for Ballistic-Diffusive Heat Conduction in Nanostructures
Bing-Yang Cao, Yu-Chao Hua (Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
- IHTC15-9207/CND-H-414
- Topology Optimisation for the Volume-to-Surface Problem in a Three-Dimensional Cubic Domain Using Conduction Cooling
Francois H. Burger, Jaco Dirker, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9920/CND-H-415
- An Application of the Generalized Least Quares Method to the Analysis of the Heat Transfer Process with Supplementary data
Anna Sciazko (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland), Yosuke Komatsu, Shinji Kimijima (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan), Zygmunt Kolenda, Janusz Szmyd (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Conduction (CND2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:10
- IHTC15-8973/CND-H-421
- Efficient Coupling Procedures in Steady and Unsteady Thermal Analysis
Marc Errera (ONERA, France)
- IHTC15-9090/CND-H-422
- Analysis of Heat Transfer in a 2-D Cylindrical Porous Medium
Subhash Mishra, Snehasish Panigrahy (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)
- IHTC15-9932/CND-H-423
- Prediction of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Sintered Porous Media with a Discrete Element Method
Xiao-Long Ouyang, Rui-Na Xu, Le Zhang, Bo Zhou, Pei-Xue Jiang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9501/CND-H-424
- Study of Thermal Conductivity in Nanoporous Thin Film and Nanocomposites
Bo Fu, Cheng Bi, Guihua Tang (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9506/CND-H-425
- Improving Solidification Structure of Paraffin-Based Nanofluid by Surfactant and Ultrasound
Lisi Jia, Ying Chen, Shijun Lei, Songping Mo, Zhuowei Liu, Xuefeng Shao (Guangdong University of Technology, China)
Room I
Porous media (PMD3)
- time
- 08:30 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8706/PMD-I-411
- Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Periodic Porous Lattice-Flame Materials
Swaminathan G. Krishnan, Karthik K. Bodla, Justin A. Weibel, Suresh V. Garimella (Purdue University, USA)
- IHTC15-8987/PMD-I-412
- An Optimization Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement Due to Jet Impingement over Porous Heat Sinks Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
Sampath Kumar Chinige, Nikhilesh Ghanta, Arvind Pattamatta (IIT Madras, India)
- IHTC15-9590/PMD-I-413
- Influence on Stress Jump Coefficient of Porous Structure and Flow Conditions
Baoming Chen, Fang Liu, Guoqing Zhang, Zhi Liu (Shandong Jianzhu University, China)
- IHTC15-9303/PMD-I-414
- Analytical Prediction of the Transition Point to Weak Turbulent Convection in a Porous Layer subject to Feedback Control
Peter Vadasz (Northern Arizona University, USA)
- IHTC15-9742/PMD-I-415
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Supersonic Transpiration Cooling through Sintered Porous Flat Plates
Zheng Huang (Tsinghua University, China), Yanbin Xiong (Beijing Institute of Astronautical System Engineering, China), Yinhai Zhu, Peixue Jiang (Tsinghua University, China)
Porous media (PMD4)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-8811/PMD-I-421
- A Porous Media Approach for Analyzing a Spiral-Wound Reverse Osmosis Desalination Module
Yoshihiko Sano, Akihiko Horibe, Naoto Haruki (Okayama University, Japan), Akira Nakayama (Shizuoka University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9774/PMD-I-422
- Convective to Diffusive Contribution of Mass Transfer in Porous Building Materials through Peclet Number Evaluation
Kamilia Abahri (ENS Cachan, France), Rafik Belarbi (LaSIE, La Rochelle University, France), Rachid Bennacer (LMT, ENS Cachan, France), Bin Liu (Tianjin University of Commerce, China)
- IHTC15-9248/PMD-I-423
- Discussion on Conditions of Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Effect in Porous Media
Hujin Xu, Liang Gong, Shanbo Huang (China University of Petroleum, East China)
- IHTC15-9347/PMD-I-424
- Effect of Temperature and Porosity Change on Numerical Analysis of CO2 Absorption Behavior in Porous Solid Sorbent by Using the Unreacted-Core Model
Shuhong Xu, Takahiro Tanaka, Takao Nakagaki (Waseda University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9116/PMD-I-425
- Structural Optimization of Porous Flow Fields to Improve Water Management Ability of PEFC
Kengo Suzuki, Daiki Sato, Yutaka Tabe, Takemi Chikahisa (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9438/PMD-I-426
- Tortuosity in Porous Anode Electrode of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Estimated from Saturation Currents and a Mass Transport Model in Comparison with a Real Micro-Structure
Grzegorz Brus, Kosuke Miyawaki, Hiroshi Iwai, Motohiro Saito, Hideo Yoshida (Kyoto University, Japan)
Room J
Radiation (RAD3)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-9563/RAD-J-411
- Effects of Molecular Gas Radiation on Rayleigh-Bénard Convection in a 3D Cubical Cavity
Laurent Soucasse, Philippe Rivière (Laboratoire EM2C, France), Anouar Soufiani (CNRS - UPR288, France)
- IHTC15-9357/RAD-J-412
- Numerical Study on Solar Reflection Performance of Cool Painting and the Optimization
Shinichi Kinoshita, Satoshi Nishimura, Atsumasa Yoshida (Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8315/RAD-J-413
- Effect of Fractal Parameters on Absorption Coefficient of Soot Aggregates in the Electrostatic Limit
Prasanna Swaminathan, Philippe Riviere, Anouar Soufiani (Ecole Centrale Paris, France)
- IHTC15-9143/RAD-J-414
- Implementation of the SUN Model for Radiation Heat Transfer in Packed Pebble Bed Gas Cooled Reactors
Pieter Rousseau, Charl du Toit, Stefan van der Walt (North-West University, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9478/RAD-J-415
- The Influence of Carbon Fiber Composite Material Structures on the Spectral Attenuation Properties of Thermal Radiation
Ming Xie, Qing Ai, Xiaochen Xie, Liu Yang, Heping Tan (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Radiation (RAD4)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9822/RAD-J-421
- Heat Transfer in Vacuum Thermal Insulation of Space Vehicles: An Experimental Estimate vs Theoretical Prediction
Aleksey Nenarokomov (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia), Leonid Dombrovsky (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, NCHMT, Krasnokazarmennaya, Russia), Irina Krainova, Oleg Alifanov, Sergey Budnik (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-8683/RAD-J-422
- Effect of Structure and Transfer Function on Artificial Neural Networks Used in Radiation Thermometry for Steel
Chang-Da Wen, Po-Chin Fu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-9545/RAD-J-423
- Enhancement of Ray Tracing Method for Radiative Heat Transfer: Application to EUI Space Instrument
Lionel Jacques, Luc Masset (University of Liège, Belgium), Gaetan Kerschen (University of Liège, Belguim)
- IHTC15-9531/RAD-J-424
- Effect of Fractal-Like Aggregation on Radiative Properties and Specific Growth Rate of Chlorella
Zhen-zong He, Hong Qi, Qin Chen, Ya-tao Ren, Li-ming Ruan (Harbin Institute of technology, China)
- IHTC15-9126/RAD-J-425
- Measurement of Radiative Properties of Scattering and Absorbing Layered Media
Takahiro Kono, Jun Yamada (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8901/RAD-J-426
- Measurement and Prediction of Absorbed Irradiating Energy Distribution in Narrow Channel of Desiccant Rotor
Jie Li, Yoshinori Hamamoto, Hideo Mori (Kyushu University, Japan)
Room K
Heat pipe (HPP1)
- time
- 08:20 〜 10:00
- IHTC15-8985/HPP-K-411
- Flow Visualisation in a Transparent Thermosyphon: Influence of Internal Pressure
Kate Smith (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Roger Kempers (Alcatel-Lucent Ireland, Ireland), Anthony Robinson, Samuel Siedel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- IHTC15-9031/HPP-K-412
- Super-Thin Heat Pipe in Smartphone Application
Thanh-Long Phan, Mohammad Shahed Ahamed, Thang Nguyen, Masataka Mochizuki, Yuji Saito (Fujikura Ltd., Japan), Sadanari Mochizuki
- IHTC15-8842/HPP-K-413
- Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement of Double-Tube Heat Pipe for High Power Devices
Taro Kato, Masafumi Katsuta, Kazuhiro Sugaya, Ryutaro Hotta (Waseda University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9124/HPP-K-414
- Heat Pipe Applications in Cooling Nuclear Fuel
Randeep Singh, Masataka Mochizuki, Thang Nguyen, Yuji Saito (Fujikura Ltd., Japan)
- IHTC15-9619/HPP-K-415
- Dynamics of Evaporation in a Single, Straight-Tube Pulsating Heat Pipe
Kunito Okuyama, Takahiro Ichikawa, Shoji Mori (Yokohama National Univ., Japan)
Heat pipe (HPP2)
- time
- 10:30 〜 12:30
- IHTC15-9141/HPP-K-421
- Investigation of Gravity Heat Pipe with Internal Helical Microfins in Different Sections
Gongming Xin, Chong Zhang, Wenjing Du, Yan Chen, Lin Cheng (Shandong University, China)
- IHTC15-9125/HPP-K-422
- Effect of Inclination Angle onto Heat Transport Characteristics of Bubble-Actuated Circulating Heat Pipe (Bach) Covering High-Temperature Region
Yingying Ji, Niro Nagai (University of Fukui, Japan), Kohei Takano (Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Japan)
- IHTC15-9076/HPP-K-423
- Oscillation-Induced Heat Transportation in a Curved Heat Transpotation Pipe
Seiichiro Yuguchi, Hideyuki Kusaka, Kosuke Shiratori, Gaku Tanaka (Chiba University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9442/HPP-K-424
- An Investigation of Operating Limit of an Oscillating Heat Pipe
Ji Yulong, Chao Chang, Gen Li (Dalian Maritime University, China), Hongbin Ma (University of Missouri, USA)
- IHTC15-9476/HPP-K-425
- Experimental Investigation of Ultrasonic Effect on a Nanofluid Oscillating Heat Pipe
Nannan Zhao, Benwei Fu (Dalian Maritime University, China), Hongbin Ma (University of Missouri, USA)
- IHTC15-9208/HPP-K-426
- Effects of Tube Diameter on Internal Flow Patterns and Heat Transport Performance of Parallel-Tube Heat Transport Device
Kazusa Abiko, Akira Murata, Hiroshi Saito, Kaoru Iwamoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
Friday, August 15 (Day 5)
Room B1
Pool Boiling (PBL4)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:40
- IHTC15-9471/PBL-B1-511
- Interfacial Instability on Vapor Bubble Exposed to Subcooled Pool
Ichiro Ueno, Takahito Saiki, Tomohiro Osawa, Jun Ando, Toshihiro Kaneko (Tokyo University of Science, Japan), Chungpyo Hong (Kagoshima University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9659/PBL-B1-512
- A Comparison Study of State-of-the-Art Experimental and Numerical Simulation Results Associated with Nucleate Boiling of a Single Bubble
Satbyoul Jung (KyungHee University, Korea), Yasuo Ose (Yamato System Engineer Co., Ltd., Japan), Hyungdae Kim (KyungHee University, Korea), Tomoaki Kunugi (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8854/PBL-B1-513
- Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer on Super-Hydrophilic Surface with Porous Copper Layer
Pengfei Xu, Qiang Li (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China), Yimin Xuan (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China)
- IHTC15-9224/PBL-B1-514
- Enhancement of Heat Transfer at Transition and Film Boiling of Nitrogen on Spheres with Dimples and Low Conductivity Coating
Vladmir Zhukov (Institute of High Temperature, Russia), Yury Kuzma-Kichta (MPEI, Russia), Viktor Lenkov (Institute of High Temperature, Russia), Alexander Lavrikov, Mikhail Shustov (MPEI, Russia)
- IHTC15-8941/PBL-B1-515
- Improvement of Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics by Using Immiscible Mixtures
Shota Kita, Shunsuke Onishi, Yuta Fukuyama, Haruhiko Ohta (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8619/PBL-B1-516
- Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement by γ-Al2 O3 /FC-72 Nanofluids on a Smooth Surface
Xin Kong, Jinjia Wei, Jie Ding, Yonghai Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
Pool Boiling (PBL5)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-8441/PBL-B1-521
- Stability and Mode Transition of Boiling on a Flat Surface
Jianfeng Lu, Jing Ding (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
- IHTC15-9511/PBL-B1-522
- Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics and Film Boiling Collapse Temperature through the Two-Dimensional Temperature Field Measurement
Hiroyasu Ohtake, Koji Hasegawa (Kogakuin University, Japan)
- IHTC15-10081/PBL-B1-523
- Effects of Porous SIC Deposition and High Thermal Conductive Graphene Layer on Critical Heat Flux
Han Seo, In Cheol Bang (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
- IHTC15-8856/PBL-B1-524
- Boiling on an Isolated Nucleation Site Close to CHF Conditions
Olivier Kannengieser (Toulouse University - IMFT, France), Wladimir Bergez (INPT-IMFT, France), Catherine Colin (Toulouse University - IMFT, France)
- IHTC15-9423/PBL-B1-525
- Effect of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability on CHF for Thin Flat Plate Heater
Jae Young Lee, Wooram Lee (Handong Global University, Korea)
- IHTC15-9592/PBL-B1-526
- Crisis in Pool Boiling: Alternative to Hydrodynamic Approach
Victor V. Yagov (National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Russia)
Pool Boiling (PBL6)
- time
- 15:10 〜 17:10
- IHTC15-8964/PBL-B1-531
- Enhanced Transient Pool Boiling of Water on Nanoscale Textured Superhydrophilic Surfaces
Li-Wu Fan, Jia-Qi Li, Dan-Yang Li, Liang Zhang, Zi-Tao Yu, Ya-Cai Hu (Zhejiang University, China)
- IHTC15-9632/PBL-B1-532
- Enhancement of Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Using Water on Titanium Oxide and Silicon Oxide Surfaces
Sudev Das, Swapan Bhaumik (NITAgartala, India)
- IHTC15-9551/PBL-B1-533
- Modeling of Boiling Heat Transfer from Microstructured Surfaces
Alexander Ustinov (Advanced Energy Technologies GmbH, Germany), Jovan Mitrovic (University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- IHTC15-9004/PBL-B1-534
- Study of the Combined Effects of Liquid Properties and Surface Micropatterning on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer
Emanuele Teodori (Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Portugal), Ana Moita (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal), Antonio Moreira (Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, Portugal)
- IHTC15-9044/PBL-B1-535
- An Experimental Study of Carbon Nanotube Coatings for Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Enhancement
Jin Yao Ho, Kai Choong Leong, Charles Yang, Indro Pranoto (Nanyang Technological University, Republic of Singapore)
- IHTC15-8805/PBL-B1-536
- Influence of Gap Size on Boiling and Condensation Co-existing Phase Change Heat Transfer in Small Confined Space
Guangmeng Zhang (Beijing University of Technology, China), Zhongliang Liu (The Key Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion, China), Li Wang, Lingyan Huang (Beijing Institute of Space Launch Technology, China)
Room B2
Two-phase, Spray/Droplet (TPS)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-8860/TPS-B2-511
- Kinetic Modelling of Diesel Fuel Droplet Heating and Evaporation: Effects of Inelastic Collisions and Three Components
Sergei Sazhin (University of Brighton, UK), Irina Shishkova (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-9815/TPS-B2-512
- Evaporation of Bi-Component Droplets in a Highly Turbulent Channel Flow
Adrien Jean, Rudy Bazile, Bernard Ferret (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France)
- IHTC15-9328/TPS-B2-513
- Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Gas Dynamics in Warm Spray
Yanguang Shan, Feifei Gong, Cuihong Shen, Ling Li, Mei Lu (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China)
- IHTC15-8593/TPS-B2-514
- The Effect of Pulses Frequency on Flow and Heat Transfer due to Intermittent Impinging Mist Jets
Maksim Pakhomov, Viktor I. Terekhov (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
- IHTC15-9060/TPS-B2-515
- Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of High-Velocity Circular Jet Impingement Boiling on the Nano-characteristic Stagnation Zone
Yuanyang Li, Yanjun Chen, Zhenhua Liu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Two-phase/Multiphase flow (TPM1)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-8955/TPM-B2-521
- R1234yf Heat Transfer Coefficient during Condensation in a Mini-Channel Multiport Tube
Alejandro Lopez-Belchi, José Ramón García-Cascales, Francisco Vera-García, Fernando Illán-Gómez (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)
- IHTC15-8561/TPM-B2-522
- Flow Condensation Heat Transfer on Engineered Surfaces
Chun-Wei Yao, Jorge Alvarado (Texas A&M University, USA), Charles Marsh (ERDC – Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, USA), Barclay Jones (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), Michael Collins (ERDC – Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, USA)
- IHTC15-10072/TPM-B2-523
- Gallium Melting in a Rectangular Box
Ori Ben-David, Avi Levy, Boris Mikhailovich, Asaf Azulay (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
- IHTC15-8609/TPM-B2-524
- Turbulent Mass Transfer Model to Predict Wax Deposition in Multiphase Flow in Pipelines
Fabio Brum (PUC-Rio, Brazil), Sidney Stuckenbruck (Olympus Software Científico e Engenharia, Brazil), Angela Nieckele (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9066/TPM-B2-525
- Numerical Study of Slug Flow Heat Transfer in Microchannels
Thilaksiri Bandara, Sherman Cheung, Gary Rosengarten (RMIT University, Australia)
- IHTC15-9192/TPM-B2-526
- Irreversibility Analysis of an Evaporator for Use in a Micro-Refrigeration Cycle
Göker Türkakar, Tuba Okutucu-Özyurt (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
Two-phase/Multiphase flow (TPM2)
- time
- 15:10 〜 16:30
- IHTC15-8793/TPM-B2-531
- Regimes of Nonisothermal Scavenging of Soluble Gaseous Pollutants by Rain in the Atmosphere with Non-Uniform Concentration and Temperature Distributions
Tov Elperin, Andrew Fominykh, Boris Krasovitov (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
- IHTC15-8935/TPM-B2-532
- Experimental Study on the Temperature and Pressure Distribution of Steam Jet in Subcooled Water Flow in a Restricted Channel
Xiao Zong, Tao Li, Xiao-Ping Yang, Wei Han, Ji-Ping Liu, Jun-Jie Yan (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-9113/TPM-B2-533
- Numerical Investigation of Adiabatic Growth and Detachment of Gas/Vapor Bubbles Injected from a Submerged Orifice at Various Surface Inclinations
Anastasios Georgoulas, Marco Marengo (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- IHTC15-9456/TPM-B2-534
- Melting, Solidification and Coalescence of Metallic Particles Invoked by Laser Heating
Ram Dayal, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
Room C1
Thermodynamics (TDY3)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:40
- IHTC15-9827/TDY-C1-511
- Heat Transfer in Supersonic Flow Over Blunt Body with Resonator of Hartmann Whistle Type
Natalia Palchekovskaya (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Russia)
- IHTC15-9243/TDY-C1-512
- Non-Equilibrium Electron Gas Thermodynamic Cycle with Nano Features
Kazuaki Yazawa, Ali Shakouri (Purdue University, USA)
- IHTC15-8937/TDY-C1-513
- The Applied Condition of Lumped Parameter Method for Finite Mass Transfer Duration
Jianping Cao, Cong Liu, Yinping Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9373/TDY-C1-514
- A Study of Macroscopic Physical Meaning of Entropy
Jing Wu (Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9414/TDY-C1-515
- Implementation of Entransy Analysis for Heat Transfer Optimization and System Design
Menghe Sun, Xin-Rong Zhang (Peking University, China)
- IHTC15-8483/TDY-C1-516
- Internal Symmetries, Fundamental Invariants and Convective Heat Transfer from a Rotating Disc
Christian Helcig, Stefan aus der Wiesche (Muenster University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Igor Shevchuk (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Convection (CNV1)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:30
- IHTC15-9942/CNV-C1-521
- Heat Transfer Performance of Finless Heat Exchanger Using Airfoil-shaped Tubes with Extended Leading or Trailing Edge Section
Hajime Onishi, Akihiro Yamamoto, Yukio Tada, Akira Takimoto (Kanazawa University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9230/CNV-C1-522
- Modified Endwall Fluid Flow in a Dimpled Pin Fin Array for Heat Transfer Enhancement
Stephan Roux, Gazi Mahmood, Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-8698/CNV-C1-523
- Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Serrated Finned Tube Banks in Forced Convection
Akira Yamada, Hiroyuki Nakaharai, Seiji Goto, Manabu Oda (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan)
- IHTC15-8338/CNV-C1-524
- The Influence of Surface Roughness on Heat Transfer in the Transitional Flow Regime
Marilize Everts, Samantha Ayres, Franscois Mulock Houwer, Calvin Vanderwagen, Nicola M. Kotze, Josua P. Meyer (Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-9092/CNV-C1-525
- High-Order Numerical Implementation of Surface Radiation for the Coupling with Natural Convection in an Air-Filled Square Cavity
Ronnie Knikker, Shihe Xin (Universite de Lyon, France), Ren Dai (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China)
Convection (CNV2)
- time
- 15:10 〜 16:30
- IHTC15-9209/CNV-C1-531
- Turbulent Thermal Convection in an Enclosure with Differently Inclined Horizontal Wall: a LES study
Sasa Kenjeres (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- IHTC15-9593/CNV-C1-532
- Modeling the Thermal Environment in an Operating Room
Senhorinha Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues, Alberto Miguel, Ricardo Oliveira, Jose Teixeira (Universidade do Minho, Portugal), João Baptista (University of Porto, Portugal)
- IHTC15-8429/CNV-C1-533
- Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannel Heat Sinks with Zigzag Longitudinal Fins
Ganbat Davaa, Odgerel Jambal (Yuge National College of Maritime Technology, Japan), Yogesh Jaluria (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA)
- IHTC15-9355/CNV-C1-534
- Study on the Period Heat Transfer Characteristics for Backward-Facing Step in Transition Flow
Minho Zhong (Jiangshu University, China), Shuai Zou (Nantong University, China), Yinnan Yuan (Jiangshu University, China), Guannan Xi (Nantong University, China)
Room C2
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE7)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:40
- IHTC15-8491/HTE-C2-511
- Entransy Balance Equation for Heat Transfer with Phase Change
Wenhua Wang, Xuetao Cheng, Xingang Liang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9231/HTE-C2-512
- Heat Transfer Measurements in a Swirl Chamber Using the Transient Liquid Crystal Technique
Christoph Biegger, Bernhard Weigand (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
- IHTC15-8669/HTE-C2-513
- Impingement Cooling with Spent Flow in the Blade Leading Edge Using Double Swirl Chambers
Gang Lin, Karsten Kusterer (B&B-AGEMA GmbH, Germany), Dieter Bohn (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), Takao Sugimoto, Ryozo Tanaka, Masahide Kazari (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD., Japan)
- IHTC15-9965/HTE-C2-514
- Experimental Study and Prediction of Film Cooling Effectiveness for a Guide Vane in Heavy Gas Turbine
Wei Wang, Jianmin Gao, Liang Xu, Xiaojun Shi (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
- IHTC15-8319/HTE-C2-515
- An Investigation into Momentum and Temperature Fields of a Meso-Scale Slot Synthetic Jet for a Small Jet-to-Surface Spacing
Omidreza Ghaffari (Ozyegin University, Turkey), Baris Dogruoz (Cisco Systems, Inc., USA), Mehmet Arik (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
- IHTC15-8667/HTE-C2-516
- Transient Heat Transfer for a Twisted Plate in Forced Convection Flow of Helium Gas
Qiusheng Liu, Zhou Zhao, Katsuya Fukuda (Kobe University, Japan)
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE8)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:30
- IHTC15-8426/HTE-C2-521
- Heat Transfer Analysis of Aluminum Honeycomb Panels Incorporating Microencapsulated PCM
Chi-ming Lai (National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan), Shuichi Hokoi (Kyoto University, Japan.)
- IHTC15-9952/HTE-C2-522
- Vortex Heat Transfer Enhancement in Dimpled Channels
Alexander I. Leontiev (N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia), Sergey Isaev (Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Russia), Nikolai Kornev (Rostock University, Germany), Yaroslav Chudnovsky (Gas Technology Institute, USA), Egon Hassel (Rostock University, Germany)
- IHTC15-8765/HTE-C2-523
- A Numerical-Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Unconfined Steady and Pulsating Turbulent Air Jet Impingement
Sajad Alimohammadi, Tim Persoons, Darina B. Murray (Trinity College, Ireland)
- IHTC15-8983/HTE-C2-524
- Applying Phase Separation of a Solvent System with a Lower Critical Solution Temperature for Enhancement of Cooling Rates by Forced and Free Convection
Amos Ullmann, Itay Lipstein, Neima Brauner (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- IHTC15-9271/HTE-C2-525
- Unravelling Convective Heat Transfer in the Rotated Arc Mixer
Michel F. M. Speetjens, Özge Baskan (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands), Guy Metcalfe (CSIRO, Australia), Herman J. H. Clercx (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Heat Transfer Enhancement (HTE9)
- time
- 15:10 〜 17:10
- IHTC15-9839/HTE-C2-531
- Effect of Surface Orientation on the Rewetting Phenomena during Jet Impingement Cooling
Agrawal Chitranjan (Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, India), Ravi Kumar, Akhilesh Gupta (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India), Barun Chatterjee (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India)
- IHTC15-9448/HTE-C2-532
- Carbon Nanotubes as Thermal Interface Material Enhanced with Liquid Metal Alloy
Yulong Ji, Gen Li, Chao Chang, Yuqing Sun (Dalian Maritime University, China), Hongbin Ma (University of Missouri, USA)
- IHTC15-8700/HTE-C2-533
- Application of Heat Transfer Technology with Phase Change Inhibited to Integrated Heat Deriving and Radiating Systems
Suvit Lee (Zhejiang Jiaxi Optoelectronic Equipment Manufacturing Co.Ltd., China), Bangxian Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-9148/HTE-C2-534
- Geometric Optimisation of Multi-Layered Microchannel Heat Sink with Different Flow Arrangements
Olayinka O. Adewumi (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Tunde Bello-Ochende (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Josua P. Meyer (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
- IHTC15-8244/HTE-C2-535
- Microscopic Mechanism of Cavitation Enhanced Heat Transfer: A Modeling Study
Bin Liu, Jun Cai, Xiulan Huai (Chinese Academy Sciences, China)
- IHTC15-8900/HTE-C2-536
- Influence of Several Parameters on Heat Storage and Release Enhancement Behavior of Latent Heat Storage Paraffin with Aluminum Fiber Materials
Naoto Haruki, Akihiko Horibe, Yoshihiko Sano, Kohei Hachiya (Okayama University, Japan)
Room D
Mixed Convection (MCV)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-9081/MCV-D-511
- Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Pressurizing Confined-Jet Flow Field
Melissa Heath, Peter Woodfield, Wayne Hall (Griffith University, Australia), Masanori Monde (Saga University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9524/MCV-D-512
- Numerical Study on Entropy Generation for Mixed Convection in Square Enclosures for IsoThermally and Non-IsoThermally Hot Bottom Wall
Monisha Roy, Tanmay Basak, Satyajit Roy (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
- IHTC15-9297/MCV-D-513
- Experimental Investigation on Mixed Convection in Horizontal Channels Heated Below and Partially Filled with Aluminium Foam
Bernardo Buonomo, Oronzio Manca, Lorenzo Marinelli, Sergio Nardini (Seconda Universita' degli Studi di Napoli, Italy)
- IHTC15-8059/MCV-D-514
- Experimental Investigation of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer from Heated Vertical Rectangular Fin Array
Jayanti Shete, Narayan Sane, S. Pavithran (Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, India)
- IHTC15-9165/MCV-D-515
- Energy Conservative Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation of Mixed Convection in Complex Geometries with Moving Surface
Zhi-Hong Cao, Kang Luo, Hong-Liang Yi, He-Ping Tan (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
Room F
Natural Convection (NCV3)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:40
- IHTC15-8565/NCV-F-511
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Plumes with and without Turbulent Diffusion Flames
Hitoshi Suto, Yasuo Hattori (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
- IHTC15-9046/NCV-F-512
- Three-Dimensional Computational Study of Natural Convection in a Non-Uniformly Heated Vertical Open-Ended Channel
Oxana A. Tkachenko, Svetlana Tkachenko, Victoria Timchenko, John A. Reizes, Guan Heng Yeoh, Graham de Vahl Davis (The University of New South Wales, Australia)
- IHTC15-9291/NCV-F-513
- Comparative Study of Numerical Simulations of a 2D Buoyancy-Driven Flow in a Vertical Channel Asymmetrically Heated with or without External Domain
Charles Garnier (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France), Anne Sergent, Yann Fraigneau, Patrick Le Quere (LIMSI UPR CNRS, France)
- IHTC15-8624/NCV-F-514
- A Numerical Study of g-jitter Effects in Cubic-Cavity Convection in low Gravity
Keisuke Tatasumoto (Doshisha University, Japan), Hirochika Tanigawa (Maizuru National College of Technology, Japan), Katsuya Hirata (Doshisha University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9053/NCV-F-515
- Natural Convection in an Inclined Differentially Heated Square Cavity
Steven Armfield, Michael Kirkpatrick, Nicholas Williamson (Sydney University, Australia), Wenxian Lin (James Cook University, Australia)
- IHTC15-9747/NCV-F-516
- Natural Convection in an Open Vertical Channel with Heated Walls at high Rayleigh Number
Christophe Daverat, Yiqin Li, Hervé Pabiou, Christophe Ménézo, Shihe Xin (Université de Lyon, France)
Optimal control/theory (OPT)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-9477/OPT-F-521
- Heat Conduction Optimization of Anisotropic Composite Material Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Chao Yuan, Lan Li, Xiaobing Luo (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9670/OPT-F-522
- Adjoint-Based Optimum Thermal Control of Pulsed Laser Diodes
Kenichi Morimoto, Yuji Suzuki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
- IHTC15-8602/OPT-F-523
- Virtual Distribution and Mixing Entransy Analysis Method
Xiaodong Qian, Zhen Li, Zhixin Li, Zhiguang He (Tsinghua University,Beijing, China)
- IHTC15-9018/OPT-F-524
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Vortex Generators Position and Angles in Fin-Tube Compact Heat Exchanger at Low Reynolds Number Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
Leandro Salviano, Daniel Dezan, Jurandir Yanagihara (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- IHTC15-8411/OPT-F-525
- Study on Model Predictive Control to Minimize Temperature Change at Multi Positions in Vertical Plate with Varying Heat Generation
Shigeki Hirasawa, Tsuyoshi Kawanami, Katsuaki Shirai (Kobe University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9168/OPT-F-526
- Numerical Topology Optimization of Heat Sinks
Tijs Van Oevelen, Martine Baelmans (KU Leuven, Belgium)
New materials (NMT)
- time
- 15:10 〜 17:10
- IHTC15-8664/NMT-F-531
- Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites with Hybrid Carbon-Based Functional Materials and Nano-Copper Particles
Ping Zhang, Qiang Li, Yimin Xuan (Nanjing University of Science and Technology, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9153/NMT-F-532
- Radiative Properties of a Nanofluid Mixture
Jan Eggers, Stephan Kabelac (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
- IHTC15-8890/NMT-F-533
- Thermal and Electromagnetic Modeling of a Multi-Layer PCs Thermal Protection Structure for Laser Ablation
Hao-Chun Zhang, Yang Zhao, Hai-Yan Yu, Chen-Hui Qiu, Yao Li (Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9390/NMT-F-534
- The Experimental Investigation of Modified Surface Effect on Microbial Fouling Characteristics
Zhiming Xu (North East Dian Li University, P. R. China), Zuodong Liu (NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY, P. R. China), L. Wu (North East Dian Li University, P. R. China), Yilong Zhang (NORTH CHINA ELECTRIC POWER UNIVERSITY, P. R. China), Z. Zhang (North East Dian Li University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9823/NMT-F-535
- Experimental Analysis of High Weber Number Drop Impact onto Super-Hydrophobic and Hydrophobic Surfaces
Fabio Villa (University of Bergamo, Italy), Carlo Antonini (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Switzerland), Ilia Roisman (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany), Marco Marengo (University of Bergamo, Italy)
- IHTC15-9482/NMT-F-536
- Superhydrophobicity or Icephobicity for an Effective Icing Mitigation Strategy?
Carlo Antonini (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Alidad Amirfazli (York University, Canada), Marco Marengo (University of Bergamo, Italy)
Room G
Nano/Micro scale measurement and simulation (NMM2)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-8732/NMM-G-511
- The Effect of Inner Surface Roughness and Heating on Friction Factor in Horizontal Mini-Tubes
Lap Mou Tam, Hou Kuan Tam (University of Macau, Macau), Afshin J. Ghajar (Oklahoma State University, USA), Wa San Ng, Choi Keng Wu (University of Macau, Macau)
- IHTC15-8543/NMM-G-512
- Temperature Dependent Thermal Transport across the Interfaces between CNT Array and Adjacent Layers
Zhaoliang Wang, Yong Ma, J. G. Liang (China University of Petroleum, P. R. China), D. W. Tang (Chinese Academy of Science Beijing, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9503/NMM-G-513
- Behaviors of Gas Flow in Tree-Shaped Microchannel Networks
Zilong Deng (Southeast University, P. R. China), Yongping Chen (Yangzhou University, P. R. China), Chengbin Zhang (Southeast University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9453/NMM-G-514
- Numerical Study of Ethanol Reforming in Micro-Channels
Somasree Roychowdhury, Sarit Kumar Das, Thirumalachari Sundararajan (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
- IHTC15-8946/NMM-G-515
- The Flow Resistance and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Micro Pin-Fins with Different Cross-Section Shapes
Zhigang Liu, Ning Guan, Chengwu Zhang, Guilin Jiang (Energy search Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences, P. R. China)
Nano/Micro scale measurement and simulation (NMM3)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-9459/NMM-G-521
- Investigation of Thermal Resistance and Heat Conduction at α-Quartz-Liquid Alkane Interfaces Using Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Hari Krishna Chilukoti, Gota Kikugawa (Tohoku University, Japan), Masahiko Shibahara (Osaka University, Japan), Taku Ohara (Tohoku University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9136/NMM-G-522
- Gas Molecular Momentum Exchange Characteristics in Nanopores
Qixin Liu, Zhiyong Chai (Chongqing University of Science and Technology, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9429/NMM-G-523
- Evaporation Dynamics of Microdroplets
Mitsuhiro Matsumoto, Junichi Tatsumi, Masaya Hosoda (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9391/NMM-G-524
- Heat Transfer across a Confined Thin Film with Structural or Mass Disorder: a Molecular Dynamics Study
Cheng Shao, Hua Bao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China)
- IHTC15-9000/NMM-G-525
- Kinetic Study of Li2SO4.H2O Dehydration Using Microscopy and Modeling
Shuiquan Lan, Herbert Zondag, Camilo Rindt (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- IHTC15-9418/NMM-G-526
- MD Simulation on Cryogenic Sublimation Dynamics of Dry Ice Nanoparticles
Yi-min Chen, Lin Chen, Xin-Rong Zhang (Peking University, P. R. China)
Nano/Micro scale measurement and simulation (NMM4)
- time
- 15:10 〜 16:50
- IHTC15-9922/NMM-G-531
- Adsorption/Desorption and Transport of Water in Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Mesoporous Silica
Hirofumi Daiguji, Kyohei Yamashita, Hideki Yanagihara (The University of Tokyo, Japan),
Akira Endo (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9179/NMM-G-532
- Series Study on the Thermal Transport Properties of Nanofilm by Applying Transient Thermoreflectance Method
Weigang Ma, Xing Zhang (Tsinghua University, P. R. China), Keisuke Kubo, Masamichi Kohno, Yasuyuki Takata, Tatsuya Ikuta, Koji Takahashi (Kyushu University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8343/NMM-G-533
- Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous/Crystalline Silicon Nanowires and Superlattices
Konstantinos Termentzidis (LEMTA, France), Etienne Blandre (CETHIL, CNRS UMR, France), Arthur France-Lanord (Materials Design SARL, France), Valentin Jean (University of Lorraine, France), Samy Merabia, Tristan Albaret (University of Lyon, France), David Lacroix (University of Lorraine, France)
- IHTC15-8885/NMM-G-534
- Synthesis and Thermal Conductivity of Monodisperse Hollow Silica Nanospheres
Tao Gao, Bjørn Petter Jelle, Linn Ingunn Sandberg, Arild Gustavsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
- IHTC15-8366/NMM-G-535
- Monte Carlo Simulations of the Thermal Properties of Silicon and Germanium Mesoporous Nanostructures
Valentin Jean, Sebastien Fumeron, Konstantinos Termentzidis, David Lacroix (Université de Lorraine, France)
Room H
Conduction (CND3)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:40
- IHTC15-8419/CND-H-511
- Determination of Thermal Contact Resistance Coefficients Through Thermo-Mechanical Simulation
Yona Frekers, Sarah Vieler, Simon van Buren, Marc Deppermann, Reinhold Kneer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- IHTC15-9330/CND-H-512
- High Thermal Conductivity Performance of Compressed Graphene Sheet Layers
Yuan-Xiang Fu, Xiao-Ming Wang, Dong-Chuan Mo, Shu-Shen Lu (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
- IHTC15-8596/CND-H-513
- Study of Thermal Conductance in a Strip-Roll System
Jean-Marie Buchlin, M. Delsipée, Ph. Planquart (von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium), M. Renard ( DREVER Int. SA, Belgium)
- IHTC15-8758/CND-H-514
- The Influence of Deposited Metal Material Parameters on the Heat Transfer Process and Fluid Dynamics in the Welding Pool
Lige Tong, Jingchen Gu, Shaowu Yin, Li Wang (University of Science and Technology Beijing, China), Shiwu Bai (Pipeline Research Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation, China)
- IHTC15-8887/CND-H-515
- Two-Region Fin Model Adjacent Temperature Profile Interactions
Louis Desgrosseilliers, Dominic Groulx, Mary Anne White (Dalhousie University, Canada)
- IHTC15-8444/CND-H-516
- Thermal Protection Design for Flight Data Recorders
Ruhul Amin Rana, Ri Li (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Conduction (CND4)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-9137/CND-H-521
- Experimental Investigation on Unsteady Conjugate Heat Transfer Caused by Flow Turbulence
Hajime Nakamura, Naoki Shiibara, Shunsuke Yamada (National Defense Academy, Japan)
- IHTC15-9556/CND-H-522
- Conjugate Cooling of Protruding Heaters in a One Side Closed Duct by Impinging Flow
Ismael de Marchi Neto (Technological Federal University of Paraná, Brazil), Carlos Altemani (University of Campinas, Brazil)
- IHTC15-9383/CND-H-523
- Thermal Management Characteristics of Lithium-Ion Batteries According to the Arrangement
Hee Won Lee, Jong Hyeon Son, Il Seouk Park (Kyungpook National University, Korea)
- IHTC15-9253/CND-H-524
- Heat Transfer Analysis in Human Skin Subjected to Flash Fire: Investigation of Dual Phase Lag Phenomenon
Uday Raj, Prabal Talukdar (Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, India), Apurba Das, Alagiru Samy (Department of Textile Technology, IIT Delhi, India)
- IHTC15-9444/CND-H-525
- Numerical Simulation on Coupling of Heat Conduction and Curing of Polymer Composite with Finite Volume Method
Yan Yu, Pingjian Ming, Yafei Jiao, Xinyu Zhang (Harbin Engineering University, China)
- IHTC15-8813/CND-H-526
- The Mean Free Path of Gas Molecules in Confined Nano-porous Structures
Gaosheng Wei (School of Energy, power and mechanical Engineering, Key Laboratory of Condition Monitoring and Control for Power Plant Equipment of Ministry of Education, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China), Lixin Wang, XiaoZe Du, Yongping Yang (North China Electric Power University, China)
Film (FLM)
- time
- 15:10 〜 16:50
- IHTC15-9254/FLM-H-531
- Thin Film Evaporation in Microchannel Membrane for Solar Vapor Generation
Ammar A. Alsheghri, TieJun Zhang (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE)
- IHTC15-8899/FLM-H-532
- Measurement of Liquid Film Thickness Formed between Colliding Twin Bubbles during Coalescence Process
Takayuki Morokuma, Yoshio Utaka (Yokohama National University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9537/FLM-H-533
- Evaporation, Dynamics and Crisis Phenomena in Thin Liquid Films Sheared by Gas in a Narrow Channel
Oleg Kabov, Dmitry Zaitsev, Yulia Kabova, Vyacheslav Cheverda (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
- IHTC15-9565/FLM-H-534
- Modeling of Nanoporous Membranes for High Flux Thin Film Evaporation
Zhengmao Lu, Shankar Narayanan, Daniel Hanks (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Rishi Raj (IIT Patna, India), Rong Xiao (Exxon Mobile, USA), Dion Antao, Evelyn N. Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
- IHTC15-9671/FLM-H-535
- Marangoni Effect in Heated Falling Liquid Film on a Vertically Confined Plate
Fang-Fang Zhang, Yu-Dong Ding, Xun Zhu, Hong Wang, Qiang Liao, Gan Song (Chongqing University, China)
Room I
Porous media (PMD5)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-9617/PMD-I-511
- Influence of Porous Cathode Microstructure on Overpotential Characteristics of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Kota Miyoshi, Hiroshi Iwai (Kyoto University, Japan), Masashi Kishimoto (Imperial College London, UK), Wataru Matsumoto, Motohiro Saito, Hideo Yoshida (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-8665/PMD-I-512
- Numerical Investigation of the Flow and Temperature Uniformity in the Reactor Core of a Pebble Bed HTGR Using Porous Media Method
Xiaowei Li, Qi Min, Xinxin Wu (Tsinghua University, China), Shixian Liu (Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, China)
- IHTC15-8763/PMD-I-513
- An Investigation of Anisotropic Structure of Wood-Derived Char Using X-ray CT and Effect of Particle Aspect Ratio on its Gasification Reactivity
Teeranai Pattanotai, Ryota Nakano, Hirotatsu Watanabe, Ken Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9837/PMD-I-514
- Surface Charge Effects on Reactive Transports in Microporous Media
Li Zhang, Moran Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9073/PMD-I-515
- Thermal Entrance Effects in a Thermoacoustic Stacked Screen Regenerator
Simon Bühler (University of Twente, Netherlands), Douglas Wilcox (Chart Inc.-Qdrive, USA), Joris Oosterhuis, Theo van der Meer (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Porous media (PMD6)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-8742/PMD-I-521
- A Mathematical Model for a Boiling Process of Food Stuff Based on the Porous Media Theory
Takao Yoshinaga (Osaka University, Japan), Tomoko Hara (Kobe Yamate College, Japan)
- IHTC15-9730/PMD-I-522
- Direct-Inverse Analysis of Heat Transfer in Micro-Models of Porous Media
Carolina Palma Naveira-Cotta (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- IHTC15-8848/PMD-I-523
- Modelling Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Material during Pyrolysis using Operator Splitting and Dimensionless Analysis
Julien Maes, Ann Muggeridge, Matthew Jackson (Imperial College London, UK), Michel Quintard (Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France), Alexandre Lapene (Total, S. A., France)
- IHTC15-9108/PMD-I-524
- Towards a General Spatial Averaging Procedure for Multi-Scale Flow Modeling in Heat Transfer Devices with Repetitive Fin Structures
Geert Buckinx, Martine Baelmans (KULeuven, Belgium)
- IHTC15-9217/PMD-I-525
- Simulation of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Media Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
Dongdong Wang, Jun Shen, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Porous media (PMD7)
- time
- 15:10 〜 16:30
- IHTC15-9359/PMD-I-531
- CO2 Trapping Phenomena in Porous Media of Geological Storage by Lattice Boltzmann Method
Suguru Uemura, Atsuto Noda, Shohji Tsushima, Shuichiro Hirai (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-8734/PMD-I-532
- Numerical Study of Physical Characteristic of Porous Media Containing Methane Hydrate Using Pore Network Model
Jiaqi Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China), Yongchen Song (Key Laboratory of Ocean Energy Utilization and Energy Conservation of Ministry of Education, School of Energy and Power Engineering,), Jiafei Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China), Di Liu, Lei Yang (Key Laboratory of Ocean Energy Utilization and Energy Conservation of Ministry of Education, School of Energy and Power Engineering), Zihao Zhu (Dalian University of Technology, China), Xiaoqing Chen (Key Laboratory of Ocean Energy Utilization and Energy Conservation of Ministry of Education, School of Energy and Power Engineering)
- IHTC15-9025/PMD-I-533
- Numerical Modeling of Three Dimensional Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Through Interrupted Plates Using Unit Cell Scale
Chao Zhang, Terrence Simon, Perry Li, James Van de Ven (University of Minnesota, USA)
- IHTC15-9937/PMD-I-534
- Performance of a Drainage Trench Employed as Ground Heat Exchanger
Michele Bottarelli (Università di Ferrara, Italy), Hikari Fujii (Akita University, Japan), Vittorio Di Federico (Università di Bologna, Italy)
Room J
Spray and atomization (SAT)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:20
- IHTC15-8859/SAT-J-511
- Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Thermal Characteristics of Flashing Spray Cooling Using R404a
Zhi-Fu Zhou, Bin Chen (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Guo-Xiang Wang (University of Akron, USA)
- IHTC15-9805/SAT-J-512
- Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Spray Cooling
Ni Liu (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China), Jingde Zhao (Donghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9821/SAT-J-513
- Experimental Investigation of Enhanced Spray Cooling on Nano- and Hybrid Micro/Nano- Structured Surfaces
Jiannan Chen, Zhen Zhang, Peixue Jiang (Tsinghua University, China)
- IHTC15-9481/SAT-J-514
- Thermal Behaviors of Droplet-Substrate in Thehrmal Spray New Applications
Guanghua Wei (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), Lili Zheng (Tsinghua University, China), Changying Zhao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), Sanjay Sampath (Stony Brook University, USA)
- IHTC15-8977/SAT-J-515
- The Effect of Liquid Mass Flow Rate on Heat Transfer for an Air-Water Atomizing Mist Jet
Cian Quinn, Darina Murray, Tim Persoons (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Combustion (CMB1)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-8589/CMB-J-521
- Effects of Local Flame Displacement Velocity on Turbulent Burning Velocity for Stoichiometric Hydrogen-Oxygen-Dilution Gas Mixtures
Masaya Nakahara, Fumiaki Abe, Kenichi Tokunaga (Ehime University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9097/CMB-J-522
- Hydrogen Combustion in the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Permeable Surface
Vladimir Lukashov, Vladimir Terekhov (Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, Russia)
- IHTC15-8744/CMB-J-523
- Effect of Ambient Pressure on Soot Formation in Oxy-Fuel Spray Jet Flame
Tomoaki Kitano, Jun Nishio, Ryoichi Kurose, Satoru Komori (Kyoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9464/CMB-J-524
- Role of CO2 in the Soot Formation and Reduction Mechanisms in CH4 Flat Flame Doped with Toluene under O2/CO2 Environments
Hirotatsu Watanabe, Shunsuke Sugai, Ken Okazaki (Tokyo Institute of technology, Japan)
- IHTC15-9830/CMB-J-525
- Relaxation Phenomena in Reaction-Diffusion Processes
Juan Ramos (Universidad de Malaga, Spain)
- IHTC15-9466/CMB-J-526
- Alternating Currents Enhanced PAHs Formation in Nonpremixed Jet Flames
Yuan Xiong (KAUST, Saudi Arabia), Minsuk Cha, Sukho Chung (KAUST, CCRC, Saudi Arabia)
Combustion (CMB2)
- time
- 15:10 〜 17:10
- IHTC15-9164/CMB-J-531
- A Numerical Study on the Combustion and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Spark Ignited Engine Applying Heat Insulation Coatings to the Combustion Chamber Wall Surface
Akira Kikusato, Jin Kusaka, Yasuhiro Daisho (Waseda University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9980/CMB-J-532
- On Heat Transfer in the Stabilization Zone of an Attached Methane Flame in Air Coflow
Sylvain Lamige, Cédric Galizzi, Manuel Kühni (Centre for Thermal Sciences of Lyon, France), Kevin M. Lyons (North Carolina State University, USA), Frédéric André, Dany Escudié (Centre for Thermal Sciences of Lyon, France)
- IHTC15-9417/CMB-J-533
- CFD Analysis of Stationary Fire Whirls and Moving Fire Whirls Crossing Over Barriers in Urban Fires
Koyu Satoh, Naian Liu, Xiaodong Xie, Wei Gao (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
- IHTC15-9387/CMB-J-534
- The Importance of Detail Reaction Mechanisms for Temperature Field Predictions of Compartment Firs
Chun Yuen, Guan Heng Yeoh (University of New South Wales, Australia), Richard Kwok Kit Yuen (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Victoria Timchenko (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- IHTC15-9238/CMB-J-535
- Experimental and Numerical Study of a Cooled Rocket Combustion Chamber
Luc-Henry Dorey, Philippe Grenard, Lionel Matuszewski, Laurent Selle (ONERA, France )
- IHTC15-8615/CMB-J-536
- Research on Combustion Process in a Novel Microcombustor with Block Inserts
Wenming Yang, Dongyue Jiang, Kian Jon Chua, Kian Yong Chua (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Room K
Thermal management (TMG1)
- time
- 08:40 〜 10:40
- IHTC15-8847/TMG-K-511
- Thermal Performance of a Multi-Channel Heat Exchanger-Reactor
Xiaofeng Guo, Yilin Fan, Lingai Luo (UMR CNRS, France)
- IHTC15-8938/TMG-K-512
- Startup Characteristic of Loop Heat Pipes for Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Cryocoolers
Naihua Wang, Zheng Cui, Feng Luo, Lin Cheng (Shandong University, China)
- IHTC15-9354/TMG-K-513
- Preliminary Experimental Study of Start-Up Behavior in Nitrated Gravity Heat Pipe
Yuting Wu, Qiang Meng (Beijing University of Technology, China), Yaxuan Xiong (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China), Yuting Wu (beijing university of technology), Shanwei Liu, Wujun Cui, Chongfang Ma (Beijing University of Technology, China), Deying Li (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China)
- IHTC15-9120/TMG-K-514
- Fuel Cell Co-Generation System with Loop Heat Pipe Based Thermal Control
Randeep Singh, Masataka Mochizuki, Yuji Saito, Thang Nguyen, Zhen Guo, Masakazu Ohashi, Tien Nguyen, Ehsan Haghighi, Vijit Wuttijumnong (Fujikura Ltd, Japan)
- IHTC15-9656/TMG-K-515
- An Experimental Analysis of an Open Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Operating with a Dielectric Working Fluid for Embedded Power Electronic Applications
Daniel Kearney, Omar Suleman (ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland), Justin Griffin (Aerogel Technologies, USA)
- IHTC15-9178/TMG-K-516
- Experimental and Theoretical Study of Steady Non-Fourier Heat Conduction in Free-Standing Gold Nanofilm
Hai-Dong Wang, Xing Zhang, Zeng-Yuan Guo (Tsinghua University, China)
Thermal management (TMG2)
- time
- 12:50 〜 14:50
- IHTC15-8553/TMG-K-521
- Effect of Electrode Configuration on the Heat Transfer Performance of a Concentrated Heat Source
Chien-Jen Chen, Ing Youn Chen (National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan), Chi-Chuan Wang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
- IHTC15-8807/TMG-K-522
- Thermal Contact Resistance of Gamma-Irradiated Metallic Foil and Carbon Nanotube Thermal Interface Materials
Robert Sayer (Sandia National Laboratories, USA), Stephen Hodson (Purdue University, USA), Timothy Koehler, Scot Swanson (Sandia National Laboratories, USA), Timothy Fisher (Purdue University, USA)
- IHTC15-8824/TMG-K-523
- Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance of Phase Change Material Based Composite Heat Sink with Discrete Heat Sources
Rangarajan Srikanth, Chakravarthy Balaji (IIT Madras, India)
- IHTC15-9032/TMG-K-524
- Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Miniature/Micro Pins
Naoko Matsumoto, Toshio Tomimura, Yasushi Koito (Kumamoto University, Japan)
- IHTC15-9071/TMG-K-525
- Analysis of Space Environmental and ISS Parameters on the Thermal Behavior of AMS
Zheng Cui, Kun Wang, Naihua Wang, Jiwei Song, Qie Sun, Lin Cheng (Shandong University, China)
- IHTC15-9461/TMG-K-526
- Characterization of Valveless Piezoelectrically-Actuated Micropumps with Novel Diffuser Elements
Leicester Ehrlich, Jeff Punch (University of Limerick, Ireland), Nicholas Jeffers, Jason Stafford (Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs Ireland)
Thermal management (TMG3)
- time
- 15:10 〜 16:50
- IHTC15-8886/TMG-K-531
- Solar PV Passive Temperature Control Using Phase Change Materials
Dominic Groulx (Dalhousie University, Canada), Pascal Biwole (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)
- IHTC15-9200/TMG-K-532
- Photonic Structures Based Thermal Rectification : Toward Tunable Radiative Thermal Rectifiers
Elyes Nefzaoui, Younes Ezzahri, Karl Joulain, Jeremie Drevillon (Institut Pprime, CNRS-Université; de Poitiers-ENSMA, France)
- IHTC15-9251/TMG-K-533
- The Design & Characterisation of a Miniature Shape Memory Alloy Valve for Passive Thermal Management
Alistair Waddell, Jeff Punch (Stokes Institute, Ireland), Jason Stafford, Nick Jeffers (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Ireland)
- IHTC15-8913/TMG-K-534
- Numerical Investigation of Thermal Management for Kilowatt Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
Baowen Zhang, Yuan Lei, Bofeng Bai (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), Tianshou Zhao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
- IHTC15-9311/TMG-K-535
- An Entransy Dissipation-based Method for Optimal Control of Variable Water Volume Heat Exchanger Networks
Qun Chen, Yi-Fei Wang (Tsinghua University, China)