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Conferene Program
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IHTC-15 Circular :
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Opened :
August 10 2012
Last updated :
May 8 2016

Conference Proceedings

Proceedings on USB Drive

The conference program and proceedings of the keynote and general papers will be distributed on USB drives.

Proceedings on Homepage

A special site on the conference homepage that has the conference proceedings was live during the conference. The site is now closed.

Please also visit the IHTC digital library site.

Handouts from the conference

Plenary Lecture

  "Science of Scientific Advice"
  Hiroyuki Yoshikawa
  Director, Center for Research and Development Strategy,
  Japan Science and Technology Agency
  Past President of the University of Tokyo
  and the International Council of Science

  Webpage: "Plenary Lectures"
  Handout: PDF file

Fourier Lecture

  "Thermal Science and Engineering
- From Macro to Nano in 200 Years"
  Avram Bar-Cohen
  Distinguished University Professor, PhD
  President, Assembly of International Heat Transfer Conferences
  Department of Mechanical Engineering
  University of Maryland

  Webpage: "Plenary Lectures"
  Handout: PDF file

Plenary Panel Session

  "The Role of Thermal Science in Meeting Societal Challenges"
  Prof. Nobuhide Kasagi

  Japan Science and Technology Agency
  The University of Tokyo
  Prof. Yildiz Bayazitoglu
  Rice University
  Prof. Yogesh Jaluria   Rutgers University
  Prof. Joon Sik Lee   Seoul National University
  Prof. Dimos Poulikakos   Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich)
  Prof. Peter Stephan   Technische Universitat (TU) Darmstadt

  Webpage: "Plenary Panel Session"
  Slides and Handouts (PDF)
     Panel Problem Setting
     Slides of Prof. Peter Stephan
     Slides of Prof. Dimos Poulikakos
     Slides of Prof. Yogesh Jaluria
     Slides of Prof. Joon Sik Lee
     Slides of Prof. Yildiz Bayazitoglu
     Message from the Panel

Panel Session

  "The Role of Thermal Science for Nuclear Disaster Resilience"
  Prof. Tomoaki Kunugi

  Kyoto University
  Prof. Jun Sugimoto
  Kyoto University
  Prof. Masaharu Kitamura   Tohoku University
  Prof. Michael Corradini   University of Wisconsin-Madison
  Prof. Yassin Hassan   Texas A&M University

  Webpage: "Panel Session"
   Slides of Prof. Tomoaki Kunugi
   Slides of Prof. Jun Sugimoto
   Slides of Prof. Masaharu Kitamura
   Slides of Prof. Michael Corradini
   Slides of Prof. Yassin Hassan

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