Report on Plenary Panel
“The Role of Thermal Science in Meeting Societal Challenges”
at the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-15)

This record of the plenary panel session is a lasting legacy that the late Professor Nobuhide Kasagi has given us. After completing this panel session on August 14, 2014, he received continuous medical treatment, and passed away on July 29, 2015. Also, I would like to add that he spent several months thoughtfully preparing it with Professors Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Yogesh Jaluria, Joon Sik Lee, Dimos Poulikakos and Peter Stephan.
Professor Kazuya Tatsumi, who served as assistant at the panel session, has devoted extraordinary efforts to editing the panel session, through lengthy discussions with Professor Hiroshi Iwai and me.
I am very grateful to these Professors, and to all the Panelists and Attendees, whose outstanding contributions made IHTC-15 a great success.
May 8, 2016
Hideo Yoshida, Chair of Executive Committee

Plenary Lecture (at the Opening on August 11, 2014)
"Science of Scientific Advice"
Prof. Hiroyuki Yoshikawa (Japan Science and Technology Agency, The University of Tokyo)
The Video of the Plenary Panel Session
Part 1: Panel Records
- 1. Purpose of Panel, from the Moderator
Prof. Nobuhide Kasagi (Japan Science and Technology Agency, The University of Tokyo) - 2. Message from Panelists
- The Role of Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Thermal Science to Meet Societal Challenges
Prof. Peter Stephan (Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt) - Developing Transformative Energy Technologies: Role of Thermal Science?
Prof. Dimos Poulikakos (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich)) - A Critical Societal Need - To Obtain Sustainable and Safe Energy Supply with Least Environmental Impact
Prof. Yogesh Jaluria (Rutgers University) - The Role of Thermal Engineering in Green Growth
Prof. Joon Sik Lee (Seoul National University) - The Role of Renovation in Teaching Thermal Science
Prof. Yildiz Bayazitoglu (Rice University)
- 3. Message from the Panel
- 4. Discussions from Floor
Part 2: Postscripts for Quick/Better Understanding
- 1. Problem Setting by Moderator and Standpoints of Panelists
- 2. Visualization of Relationships among Panelists' Messages
Clicking the comments in the pdf file takes you to each page.